joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for the 'tech' Category

Microsoft "Exchange" Hosted Solutions using… Postfix?

by @ Tuesday, October 17th, 2006. Filed under tech

I was pinged today about some emails sent to Microsoft that were NDR’ed with messages seemingly from a Postfix mailer. The “sender” was a bit confused as they though Postfix was for *nix… While it is possible for Postfix to run on Windows, it would be pretty unusual. The fact that the NDRs were to […]

This sucks…

by @ Friday, October 13th, 2006. Filed under tech

Microsoft Corp. did an about-face yesterday, agreeing to make it easier for customers of its forthcoming Vista operating system to use outside security vendors, such as those who make popular antivirus and anti-spyware programs. [snip] The company said that blocking the core of area of the operating system was also meant to enhance the performance […]

LDAP Client API Memory Leak

by @ Friday, October 6th, 2006. Filed under tech

A user in one of the newsgroups I frequent ran into an issue with some LDAPS code that was leaking memory on him. You can view the entire thread by clicking here. The summary is that the user was writing some LDAP API code and submitting one of the LDAP Options, specifically LDAP_OPT_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE session option […]

whenChanged and modifyTimeStamp

by @ Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006. Filed under tech

There was a posting in the public newsgroups the other day concerning using whenChanged and/or modifyTimeStamp for tracking changes for an object so I thought I would say a few words about it… Before I say anything though, lets look at the schema definitions:   F:\>adfind -sc s:whenchanged AdFind V01.32.00cpp Joe Richards ( October 2006 […]

More on the ridiculous claims of the "security" companies.

by @ Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006. Filed under tech Rating 3.00 out of 5

McAfee and Symantec don’t want you safe, they want your money…

by @ Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006. Filed under tech

I saw this article today which is about how McAfee and Symantec are pissed that Microsoft is locking down the OS from people hacking it. Me personally, I don’t mind of they go out of business, I don’t use either of their products; neither one has done anything I would even start to consider […]

Ethereal -> WireShark

by @ Monday, October 2nd, 2006. Filed under tech

I talk about Ethereal a lot because I believe it is an extremely useful tool. If you don’t know, it is a network “sniffer” utility. I.E. It captures network packets for display or analysis. I love the tool, I used to use Microsoft’s NetMon but several years ago found Ethereal and slowly stopped using NetMon. […]

Darren is off to the races…

by @ Monday, October 2nd, 2006. Filed under tech

Well DesktopStandard has been acquired by Microsoft which means Darren Mar-Elia is off and running with his own startup full time now. I have known Darren quite a while now. I first met him in an official meeting where he, in his capacity as the CTO of Quest, was trying to sell a customer […]

VMWARE Converter Tool

by @ Monday, October 2nd, 2006. Filed under tech Tool to convert physicals to VMWARE images, also converts other virtualization images to VMWARE format.     joe Rating 3.00 out of 5

Learning something new… Auth restoring a user to original domain after being moved to a different domain.

by @ Thursday, September 28th, 2006. Filed under tech

I don’t do a whole lot of playing with AD Backup/Restore ops and authoritative restores, I am a big fan of building systems such that they don’t allow people to delete objects accidentally in the first place. However, I have been working on a project that has as a portion of the work some user […]

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