joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for the 'tech' Category

YAWRSS – Yet Another Windows Remote Shell solution…

by @ Tuesday, August 15th, 2006. Filed under tech

Not sure why they did this without making it so it works from legacy clients, seriously hampers the use of it for some time. Reminds me of the crap with doing admin work from XP, you couln’t with the normal tools until Server 2003 came along. It would be nice if those two sides of […]

HOW DO I: Transfer the PDC master role with admod…

by @ Monday, August 14th, 2006. Filed under tech

This was sort of an aside to a question I discussed with a fellow MVP today… Get hex format of domain SID Send to new DC with operational attribute becomePDC Simple huh? Ok here is a little more detail.   Get hex format of domain SID adfind -b dc=domain,dc=com -s base objectsid -sidbinout Of if […]

NTFS: The filesystem that can’t fragment…

by @ Sunday, August 13th, 2006. Filed under tech

Anyone recall that claim besides me. Oh no, not only will NTFS not fragment, it cannot fragment… Yeah, that was being said not too long ago really… I started thinking about that again when I ran an interesting little PC Pitstop program someone asked me about and it told me I was really fragmented… This […]

Developers doing operations…

by @ Saturday, August 12th, 2006. Filed under tech

I was reading through some of the blogs I monitor and Larry Osterman’s blog referred to a blog entry from Dare Obasanjo (and another) talking about why Developers SHOULD NOT be doing your ops. I agree, dev should not be doing ops. As Larry says the skill sets are slightly different. More importantly, the goals […]

Windows DNS Server Negative Cache

by @ Saturday, August 12th, 2006. Filed under tech

So how do I display what info is in the negative cache? From the command line… Also, the DNSCMD tool allows you to show the positive cache, but I don’t see how to have it show the entire positive cache versus just the cache for specific domains that you specify. I looked at what it […]

How do I: Find all accounts that will expire on such and such a day with AdFind plus some chatter about -e.

by @ Friday, August 11th, 2006. Filed under tech

This question came in the newsgroups today and I thought it was a good one to show off an AdFind feature that you won’t find duplicated in many places… The ability to specify dates for those nasty Int8 fields… The question was (paraphrased)…. How do I find all accounts that have a specific Account Expires […]

Changing the domain lockout threshhold from the command line…

by @ Thursday, August 10th, 2006. Filed under tech

admod -b dc=domain,dc=com lockoutThreshhold::[newvalue] ex: admod -b dc=domain,dc=com lockoutThreshhold::25   Rating 3.00 out of 5

Interesting Info from the EHLO blog… AG=EXCHANGE12ROCKS

by @ Thursday, August 10th, 2006. Filed under tech

I haven’t loaded E12 yet to play with it but if this is true… thank you! Much better than that horrendous dare I say, yes I dare, moronic naming in place now… Err let me start at the beginning… The EHLO blog mentions that since they reorganized things internally and Administrative Groups don’t need to be exposed […]

What tech couldn’t you live without?

by @ Wednesday, August 9th, 2006. Filed under tech

Scoble asks that question. My response like for a lot of things is “It depends… what for?”. For the most part, I can do days or weeks without tech. I hate phones and even though I have a cell phone I rarely carry it with me unless required. I don’t have a separate PDA. About […]

A forest trust does not combine two forests into one…

by @ Wednesday, August 9th, 2006. Filed under tech

I was recently (summer 2006) going through a document produced by MCS (Microsoft Consulting Services) last year (fall 2005) for an Active Directory design and came across a remarkable statement. The statement was that if you take two forests and connect them with a forest trust, the two forests become a single forest. If you have […]

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