joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for the 'tech' Category

How not to handle abuse…

by @ Saturday, March 4th, 2006. Filed under tech

As some of you may have found, the joeware downloads, forums, and blog were not working for a majority of the day on Friday. It was down from ~11AM to about ~6PM EST with the forums being down until probably about ~9PM. Basically what happened is that my ISP,, had 24 PHP scripts running […]

Some new reasons MSExchange annoys me – PART II

by @ Monday, February 27th, 2006. Filed under tech

Ok part 2 of 2 posts on some new reasons MSExchange annoys me…. I was pinged on a thread discussing a problem with the msExchMailBoxGuid being the same as the objectGUID for some mailbox enabled users and whether or not it was “bad”. The first thought is, have I ever seen this? I do a […]

Some new reasons MSExchange annoys me – PART I

by @ Monday, February 27th, 2006. Filed under tech

So I have been quiet lately, lots of things going on and I have no time for much of anything that isn’t critical. However, I am riled up and needed to write a couple of quick blog entries…. Ok, so on to part 1 of 2 new reasons why Exchange annoys me. So back at […]

Borland to divest IDE/Compiler portion.

by @ Wednesday, February 8th, 2006. Filed under tech

In the wee hours of this morning (EST anyway) Borland announced that they are going to start looking for a buyer or investor to take on their IDE and Compiler products and people. This of course had the blogs and Borland newsgroups hopping this morning with everyone guessing what the future will bring. Lots of […]

15GB and still going…

by @ Sunday, February 5th, 2006. Filed under tech

I was at about 15GB and 5700 songs in the MP3 collection I encoding to play on the Creative Zen Sleek and then found a bunch more CDs in the house. Now easily shooting past 19GB and 7000 songs in the great MP3 project… May have to look into getting one of those High Def […]

ADFIND Updated – V01.30.01

by @ Tuesday, January 31st, 2006. Filed under tech

I hate when I do this. When I added the new switch info I added a bug to the usage and totally screwed up and didn’t test it. My general process is to test adfind for bugs and then when it looks clean I update the usage with any new switches, recompile, doublecheck that the […]

Is joeware too big?

by @ Sunday, January 29th, 2006. Filed under tech

I just ran into an issue I haven’t hit before. Someone reported a bug with OldCmp last summer that when they moved computers, the names were all changed to lowercase. I realized that that could be a problem based on what I recalled of the code paths and wrote it down in my bug/dcr file […]

Administratively setting a password in AD with ADMOD

by @ Saturday, January 21st, 2006. Filed under tech

2 ways 1. admod -b some_dn unicodepwd::somepassword -kerbenc 2. admod -b some_dn #setpwd#::somepassword   The first uses straight LDAP, the second uses ADSI and will probably end up getting stripped out.   Change password is not currently supported, it is a bit of an interesting LDAP op and requires a delete of the old password […]

But the schema says description is multivalued…

by @ Saturday, January 21st, 2006. Filed under tech

So in the last week I have received two email questions that were about an interesting issue with the Active Directory attribute description. To paraphrase both of the questions It says in the schema that description is multivalued but every time I try to use admod to add a second value to the description it […]

Book worth ordering…

by @ Friday, January 20th, 2006. Filed under tech

Here is a really good AD book worth ordering… Description here (also another link to order) Rating 3.00 out of 5

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