joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...



by @ 11:44 am. Filed under general

Apologies for the blog being down. Seems someone at my ISP made some DNS changes. I am unsure yet if I was warned in advance. But you can be sure to read more here soon as I learned something else as well that doesn’t thrill me.

Rating 3.00 out of 5


I can almost guarantee this will make someone smile…

by @ 3:03 pm. Filed under general

Watch the video at


The world’s smallest horse was born in late April on a farm in New Hampshire. Weighing in at 6 pounds at birth, Einstein appears to have beaten the previous record holder by three whole pounds.

Rating 4.00 out of 5


The Priest’s Racing Donkey

by @ 6:39 pm. Filed under humour

I started going through some old books my grandmother gave me and an old very weathered / yellowed piece of paper fell out of one of them with the following joke…


A priest wanted to raise money for his church, and being told there was money in horse racing, decided to purchase a horse to enter in the races.  However, at the local auction, the price of horses was so steep that he ended up with a donkey instead.  He figured that since he bought it, he might as well enter it in the races anyway.

To his surprise, the donkey placed third in his first race.  The next day the racing sheet carried the head-lines

"Priest’s Ass Shows" 

The priest was pleased with the donkey and entered it in another race.  This time, the donkey won.  The next day, the racing sheet read

"Priest’s Ass Out Front"

The Bishop was very upset with this kind of publicity, so he ordered the priest not to enter the donkey in any more races.  The paper read

"Bishop Scratches Priest’s Ass" 

This was too much for the Bishop, so he ordered the priest to get rid of the donkey. The priest gave the donkey to a nun at a nearby convent and the headlines read

"Nun Has Best Ass In Town"

The Bishop fainted.  He informed the nun that she would have to get rid of the donkey.  She sold it to a farmer for $10. The next day the paper read

"Nun Peddles Ass For Ten Bucks"

The Bishop felt a heart attack was coming for sure, so he ordered the nun to buy back the donkey and lead it to the plains where it could run wild.  The next day
the headlines read: 

"Nun Announces Her Ass Is Wild And Free!"

The Bishop was buried the next day.

Rating 4.60 out of 5

Have fun at TEC 2010… Wish I could be there…

by @ 5:23 pm. Filed under general

Too all my friends out at TEC 2010 in Los Angeles, sorry I am not there, hope you have an awesome time! 🙂

Let me know what cool things come up. Also make sure to harass Dean properly since I won’t be there to do it.

Hi to Christine and Stella and Gil… Doesn’t feel like spring not seeing you guys.


Rating 3.00 out of 5

Tool Update: AdMod Updated! V01.13.00 now available.

by @ 5:20 pm. Filed under tech, updates

I have updated AdMod to V01.13.00.


  • Fixed a bug in :+:
  • Fixed doc typo


    Rating 4.00 out of 5

    Tool Update: AdFind updated! V01.42.00

    by @ 5:18 pm. Filed under tech, updates

    I moved a little faster than I expected, the new version of AdFind, V01.42.00, is now up on the website.

    If you are one of the few people who received a beta copy of V01.42.00 you will want to update ASAP as the beta version will expire on May 1.


  • Fixed port bug in -rootdseanon
  • Fixed -adcsv header bug
  • Fixed bug in schema OID retrieval
  • Added -decint, -metafilter,-metafilterattr,-metafilterval, -statsonlynodata,-stats+onlynodata,-ameta,-vmeta switches
  • Added more fields for stats output for 2008+
  • Changed the decode of -9223372036854775808
  • Added -sc dompol shortcut


    Rating 4.00 out of 5

    Tool Update : lg.exe updated.

    by @ 4:11 pm. Filed under tech, updates

    I have uploaded a new version of lg.exe to the free tools section of the website.

    The updates include:

    • fixed some typos in the usage screen
    • Compiled with CodeGear C++ Builder 2009 which significantly reduced file size and increased execution speed
    • Added the –SIDSOUT switch which outputs SIDS instead of friendly security principal names

    Why the –sidsout switch you ask? Because I have wanted it for some time. Say you migrated some users from Domain1 to Domain2 and maintained their SID in SIDHistory. Then you move the servers over and the servers are using the SIDs from Domain1. Eventually you will want to get rid of the SIDHistory values so in order to do that you have to clean up the old SID references. So now with LG, you can dump the SIDs of all of the security principals in all of the local groups on the members and see if the old domain SID is present in any of the SIDs and if so, clean it up.

    I will be releasing a new version of AdFind and AdMod any day now. Just have to take the time up to update the web pages, etc.



    Rating 4.00 out of 5


    Whoops… McAfee made a boo boo

    by @ 9:08 pm. Filed under tech

    McAfee’s popular antivirus software failed spectacularly on Wednesday, causing tens of thousands of Windows XP computers to crash or repeatedly reboot.

    Rating 3.00 out of 5


    Need feedback from AdFind users…

    by @ 8:35 pm. Filed under tech

    So in a recent blog post I recounted my experience when looking into some lockout parameters ( One of the things that bothered me a little was that the value -9223372036854775808 decodes as “undefined” and always has. I am thinking now that I want to change that to something like “undefined/never/forever” which better describes the value.

    For example:

    [Tue 04/20/2010 20:18:47.41]
    F:\Dev\Current\CPP\AdFind>adfind -default -s base forcelogoff -samdc

    AdFind V01.41.00cpp Joe Richards ( February 2010

    Using server: K8R2Dom-DC01.K8R2Dom.loc:389
    Directory: Windows Server 2008 R2
    Base DN: DC=K8R2Dom,DC=loc

    >forceLogoff: -9223372036854775808 [undefined]

    1 Objects returned

    [Tue 04/20/2010 20:19:07.23]
    F:\Dev\Current\CPP\AdFind\Debug>adfind -default -s base forcelogoff -samdc

    AdFind V01.42.00cpp ***BETA*** Joe Richards ( April 2010

    Using server: K8R2Dom-DC01.K8R2Dom.loc:389
    Directory: Windows Server 2008 R2
    Base DN: DC=K8R2Dom,DC=loc

    >forceLogoff: -9223372036854775808 [undefined/never/forever]

    1 Objects returned

    My main concern to NOT do this is for people who have scripts that depend on this value. So along those lines I went with undefined as the first part of the string so that the old string is still there. Yes, you still have to change scripts but hopefully the change wouldn’t be as difficult. For example if changing a perl script with a regex…




    Note the very simple basic change, addition of .+ which sucks in the /never/forever part of the string.


    Thoughts? Will this change seriously break anyone?



    Rating 3.00 out of 5


    Via the Microsoft Press RSS Feed – FREE – SQL Server 2008 R2 eBook

    by @ 2:33 pm. Filed under tech

    Rating 3.00 out of 5

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