joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...


Windows 7 Kernel Enhancements

by @ 4:17 pm. Filed under tech

I found this to be an interesting article. I was really interested in the part about Heap Shimming via Fault Tolerant Heap (FTH). Of course my first thought was cool, how do you get a list of apps that this is being applied to. Up until today I had only found a command to clear the list of all apps and the event log showing events for the interceptions.


Looking around today I finally found this blog entry from the Performance Team that has some good info.

Looks like the apps that are being shimmed are maintained in the registry (of course ;o) at hklm\software\microsoft\fth\state. This is easy enough to script for folks so that enterprise customers that want to have an idea of apps in their environment that are having heap corruption issues that aren’t monitoring the event logs on the clients (does anyone do this???) can get the info.


G:\>reg query hklm\software\microsoft\fth

    MaximumMemoryPressurePercentage    REG_DWORD    0x50
    MaximumTrackedApplications    REG_DWORD    0x80
    CheckPointPeriod    REG_DWORD    0x2760
    MaximumDelayFreeOverheadInMBs    REG_DWORD    0x4
    RuleList    REG_MULTI_SZ    *;0;0;ntdll.dll;0;0;0xC0000005\0*;0;0;*;0;0;0xC0000374
    Enabled    REG_DWORD    0x1
    TicketValue    REG_DWORD    0x10
    CrashWindowInMinutes    REG_DWORD    0x3c
    ExclusionList    REG_MULTI_SZ    smss.exe\0csrss.exe\0wininit.exe\0services.exe\0lsass.exe\0lsm.exe\0svchost.exe\0winlogon.exe\0SLsvc.exe\0spoolsv.exe\0taskhost.exe
    MaximumAllocationOverheadInMBs    REG_DWORD    0x10
    MaximumTrackedProcesses    REG_DWORD    0x4
    CrashVelocity    REG_DWORD    0x3
    CheckPointTime    REG_DWORD    0xcd1b9fb


G:\>reg query hklm\software\microsoft\fth\state




Rating 3.00 out of 5

WordPress Upgrade completed…

by @ 4:00 pm. Filed under tech
Rating 3.00 out of 5

WordPress Upgrade in Progress…

by @ 3:53 pm. Filed under tech
Rating 3.00 out of 5

Debugging Web Apps?

by @ 2:09 pm. Filed under tech

A friend sent this link to me… Could be useful if you are doing web dev work…

Rating 3.00 out of 5

Storm Chasers Part Deux

by @ 2:07 pm. Filed under general

In a previous blog entry ( I mentioned a need for some software for the Storm Chasers… A person (name withheld to protect the guilty) sent me a nice informative email on some of this stuff and I wanted to share parts of it… Note I did ask for permission first…

“Most chasers and spotters, including myself, use a product called GRLevel3 ( which is a Windows-based NEXRAD radar client.  It pulls super-clear radar images in real-time from anywhere in the USA.  Along with that, we also use a product from the SpotterNetwork ( which aggregates the real-time location information on trained spotters and chasers, all part of the network, which then populates this data into the GRLEvel3 product.  Since it also includes spotter callsigns, we’re able to identify each other and where we’re at in real-time.  The SpotterNetwork also includes feeds for Google Earth that could easily be pulled in, but does not have flexible radar information.  The only limitation that I see would be being able to relay information about washed out roads and bridges, damage from tornadoes, etc.”

I was also told to check out a website called which aggregates hail, wind and tornado reports from spotters, EMS services, and others — in real time. I am a geek, while this isn’t my area of expertise or even a hobby area, it is still terribly cool to me…





Rating 3.00 out of 5

Using DNS Aliases on Windows Machines.

by @ 2:01 pm. Filed under tech

I regularly get asked about people adding CNAMEs to DNS to set up an alias for a Windows machine. Like maybe the machine name is server123site5 and they want to call it oldserver1. They do that and all of a sudden when they try to use it the connection attempt results in a “duplicate name exists on the network” error.


Not going to spend the time explaining why this happens other than it is a name validation in the SMB 1.0 handshake but the solution is to use either the DisableStrictNameChecking or OptionalNames registry keys under HKLM\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters.

See for more info.


Note that Windows 2008 and newer Server OSes and Windows Vista and newer Client OSes can use SMB 2.0 which doesn’t have this issue.



Rating 3.00 out of 5

Startup Cop

by @ 1:56 pm. Filed under tech,2817,2357079,00.asp


I haven’t tried this but think I will start recommending it to any and everyone that says their PC is taking forever to start up. Every time I look at those machines they tend to have a bazillion apps that start on logon.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

Come again???? Our $10+ Million dollar robot spy plane video feeds can be intercepted with $30 in off the shelf software???

by @ 1:54 pm. Filed under humour


I wonder how much we pay to see our own feeds? I think some military supplier owes us some cash back…

Rating 3.00 out of 5

The iPhone is ruining the country…

by @ 1:53 pm. Filed under humour,2817,2357138,00.asp


Funny article. I actually find my iPhone to be the most useful phone I have had. But then I mostly use it for the apps. I rarely talk to anyone on the phone (I used 2 minutes on it last month) and I don’t text at all. Period. None. Mostly it is used for Google Maps, weather, web surfing when trying to locate a store or product I am looking for, and the timer/alarm/stop watch functionality.

Rating 3.00 out of 5


On this day in history…

by @ 10:21 am. Filed under general

In 1944 the Battle of the Bulge began… Bloodiest set battles of World War II for American Forces but the end was in sight for the Nazi war machine.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

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