joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...


A 10 on the Geek Meter…

by @ 7:00 am. Filed under general

I get a lot of emails from people asking for help. I generally look at the domain the emails come from. Usually it is gmail or hotmail or yahoo or comcast but there are a lot of business email addresses as well. Of those sometimes I get a good chuckle because it is from someone in a company I worked for or do work for and the people have no clue of my relation with their company[1].  Very occasionally I get one that I go “Wow!! Someone from XYZ emailed me asking for help…” Some of the occasions this has happened is with NASA and the Jet Propulsion Labs (JPL) and (initially) Microsoft and the FBI and Virgin (I think it would be pretty fun to work with Richard Branson) but this last week… total 10 on the Geek Meter… got an email from an IT Admin at Lucas Film Ltd… Very cool. Of course this only means something to some people, if you say Lucas Films and someone stares blankly at you… they obviously won’t understand even when you explain it. 🙂

Of course I asked if they allowed people to work from home but alas that doesn’t seem to be the case. Working for Lucas Film would be very cool though… I could start in two weeks. Seriously. 🙂



Some will recall this photo (note: small bit of photo shopping involved) of Dean-3-PO and I (Joe-2-D2) from the presentation we gave at the Directory Experts Conference in 2006 (DEC 2006).






[1] I generally try to keep a very distinct separation between work and what I do personally though occasionally it can be useful to make that connection for people – especially when they don’t want to listen to me or they quote the “joeware me” to the “work me” and have possibly misinterpreted what “I” was saying[2]. Sometimes I am not entirely clear in my words and things can be taken one way or the other, I always reserve the right to clarify what I meant and telling me I didn’t mean what I meant generally doesn’t work well. 🙂

[2] I had someone do this to me on a conference call once (well a few times, but this was the funniest). I had a little bit of a debate with an admin in a company and he was pretty smart but mostly book smart… To rationalize something he was saying that I was saying was not quite right he quoted something I had written in my book and I responded saying, no I don’t think that is what was meant by that statement. The person responded back, no absolutely that is what was meant, absolutely no doubt. I nicely reiterated and said “No, I am really quite positive that that is not what was meant.” The guy came back pretty ticked because I was questioning his interpretation, ticked enough to jump to cussing and said, “How the <BLANK> would you know what was positively meant? Its not like you <BLANK> sat down and had <BLANK> tea with the guy this <BLANK> morning right?”… Several of the people on the call knew who I was and they started chuckling. I said, well to be honest, I drank orange juice this morning, I don’t much like tea in the morning and when I wrote that for the book, very likely I was drinking Coca-Cola because I was under a horrible deadline to get it all done quickly and I was constantly tired. Regardless, I know that I didn’t mean for it to be interpreted the way you are interpreting it. 🙂 We got along splendidly after that.

Rating 3.00 out of 5


The hanging chad seen ‘round the world

by @ 4:00 pm. Filed under general

On this day in 2000, the U.S. went to the polls to choose between George W. Bush and Al Gore. The outcome wouldn’t be known for more than a month because of disputed votes in Florida. We all learned far more about hanging chads and alleged corruption in Broward County than we wanted.




But on the positive side… On this day in 1929, The Museum of Modern Art in New York City opened its doors to the public. We all need art in our lives.


Rating 3.00 out of 5


And in other news…

by @ 3:58 pm. Filed under humour

Teacher Claims Fingerprinting Is ‘Mark of the Beast’

A 22-year veteran kindergarten teacher in the Texas Bible Belt could lose her job for refusing, on religious grounds, to give fingerprints under a state law requiring them.

At least it isn’t a science teacher…

Rating 3.00 out of 5

Someone else turned 40 this year…

by @ 3:17 pm. Filed under general

Happy 40th Anniversary to Sesame Street. 🙂


This notification brought to you by the letter D,the number 7 and Google[1].





[1] Google because they are so cool that they change the logo on their page to celebrate various dates and other things and I NEVER would have known Sesame Street was celebrating 40 years unless I saw that…

Rating 3.00 out of 5


If you want free joeware freeware software support for life…

by @ 11:26 pm. Filed under general

Buy this car for me…




It brings tears to my eyes… I don’t have the money for gas for it… but I would just park it in the garage and gaze at it. 🙂



Rating 3.00 out of 5


Exchange ListServs

by @ 11:45 am. Filed under tech

I occasionally get asked if there are any ListServs like the ActiveDir Org list for AD. I have to respond that I don’t know and in great part don’t care as I don’t work much with Exchange anymore. However one of the Exchange MVPs tends to respond to these requests for lists on the AD Org Site. Here is one of his not so recent notes listing some of the resources for Exchange. Maybe Michael B. Smith can be convinced to put up a page on his blog that lists the current Exchange lists?


From: [] On Behalf Of Michael B. Smith
Sent: Saturday, March 05, 2005 7:50 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Exchnage discussion group

As far as I know, Joe doesn’t read any of them 🙂 and you’ve already got at least a couple of Exchange MVPs here.

Here are the posting addresses for the ones I peruse.

The list:

The Sunbelt Exchange list:

A Yahoo Exchange 2000 list:

A Yahoo Exchange 2003 list:

The Swynk list:

A MSN Exchange 2003 list:

And finally, there is one run by TechTarget, but I can’t find that email address right this moment. Very low volume.

Microsofties can occaisionally be found in all of the above, but none are as involved as the folks you see here.

From: [] On Behalf Of Manjeet
Sent: Saturday, March 05, 2005 5:15 AM
Subject: [ActiveDir] Exchnage discussion group

Can you tell me some good exchange discussion groups ?


Rating 3.00 out of 5

I’m a PC

by @ 8:19 am. Filed under humour

Got this from one of my friends… Cracked me up[1]. 🙂

Now we need one with the FreeBSD Devil too… And not sure how to represent Apple in a costume but that would be funny too. Maybe a big white apple with a I’M A PC bumper sticker on the butt?







[1] Note I am not an OS bigot. Mostly I work with Windows but I have worked on so many OSes (Operating Systems) and RTSes (Run Time Systems) in the last 25 years that at this point it doesn’t matter – I can figure out what I need to do on pretty much anything though I admit I do prefer Windows Servers. This makes me laugh because media blitz that Apple started with the whole thing.

Rating 3.00 out of 5


ExchMbx and “No Mail Enable function for this object type”

by @ 7:09 pm. Filed under tech

I usually get 3-4 emails a month with this problem… Hey joe, where you going with that gun in your hand… err no… Hey joe, how come I get this error when running against such and such an object or user or whatever??

The reason I have found about 97 times out of 100 is that the person doesn’t have the Exchange 2000/2003 toolset loaded on the machine that they are running the command from. This tool absolutely requires the CDOEXM stuff that is in that toolset. You don’t have it loaded, it isn’t going to work. I was going to make a version that didn’t need it but the Exchange people seemed to be adverse to anyone touching AD except them and made sure there were things you couldn’t do in the directory and had to use the tools for so you had no choice.

Of the remaining three, two of the emails will be due to someone trying to mail enable something that can’t be mail enabled… Like an OU for example.

The last of the emails will be something that I have no clue is wrong but when the people move to a different machine or reload the Exchange “stuff” it all magically starts working again.



Rating 3.00 out of 5


by @ 7:40 am. Filed under humour

Non Sequitur

Rating 3.00 out of 5


Cool little “documentation” tool in Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 R2

by @ 5:39 pm. Filed under tech


Very cool tool that watches what you do and records images and any comments you make along the way. Could see all sorts of uses for this. Just plain documentation of the steps to do something alone is awesome for any of us who have had to write step by step documentation on how to process some task and take screen shots, etc along the way.



Rating 4.00 out of 5

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