joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...


Finally done with the books for real!

by @ 9:59 pm. Filed under general

I thought I was done with the books I was reviewing a few weeks ago. I found out later that I was wrong, there were a few more chapters I had to do for the Active Directory Cookbook 3rd Edition. Thankfully, I finished that up tonight. 🙂



I received my new compiler via Fed Ex, now to rebuild my 17″ Laptop with Vista and load up the compiler and start playing with AdFind, AdMod, etc… and try to get some updates out there before too long. It is annoying me that AdFind keeps saying Longhorn instead of Windows Server 2008. ;o) 

Rating 3.00 out of 5

Another funny video…

by @ 9:24 pm. Filed under humour

Rating 3.00 out of 5


Disaster Tour

by @ 4:02 pm. Filed under humour

Bush Tours America To Survey Damage Caused By His Disastrous Presidency

Rating 3.00 out of 5


Hate days like this… ;)

by @ 10:00 am. Filed under humour

Rating 3.00 out of 5


A big thanks to some of you…

by @ 3:53 pm. Filed under tech

…because yesterday I ordered the new Code Gear Builder Pro 2009 compiler/IDE and I paid for it in part with PayPal donations from some of you folks. I greatly appreciate the donations and as you can see just roll it right back into producing more products.

While I could start using the Visual Studio suite for producing my tools since I get it for free, I rather pay the $400 that it costs for me to get the Builder suite. I have used Borland C compilers for… well pretty much as long as I have written C code. It started with Turbo C when ever that came out and I have purchased nearly every C and C++ compiler they have produced since.

I used to have two issues with Microsoft compilers.

The first was that there was not a chance in hell that you could compile standard C/C++ code because the compiler was so convoluted and non-standard. Code I knew worked perfectly well I could paste into Visual Studio and it would blow up on. Well MSFT has that all fixed and is one of the most standards compliant compilers out there now (surprise!). I think the fact that they brought Herb Sutter on board helped tremendously with this.

The second issue, the issue I still have is the desire by MSFT to shove .NET down my throat. Sure, .NET is cool and all but I have no desire to use it yet. MSFT is trying to force me to. How? Well lets say I want to do a quick Service project, just a small little service to do something simple and want to build it in a “RAD” way. You can do that, assuming you want to use .NET. My Borland… err Code Gear Builder does not require .NET to do that. It does it with native code. I like native code. I also have A LOT of people who send me emails monthly saying how great it is that I use native code and how easy it is for them to move my stuff from machine to machine without worrying about what is already installed or not.

So anyway, if MSFT could get off the “all the cool stuff requires .NET” kick then maybe I would consider switching. In the meanwhile, a compiler I have to pay for wins over a compiler I get for free from MSFT.


Rating 3.00 out of 5

Books are apparently becoming a family business in my family…

by @ 3:40 pm. Filed under general

So my sister, the world famous artist, now has a second book out that she illustrated. It is a children’s illustrated book, you can find it here


This reminds me of some children’s books I wrote when I myself was “a children”… I should see if I can scan them and post them. I was a full fledged member of the Young Author’s Guild when I was, hmmm somewhere between 3-6 grades I believe.

Rating 3.00 out of 5


This masterpiece…

by @ 11:06 am. Filed under humour

Rating 3.00 out of 5


Love Tina Fey…

by @ 11:12 pm. Filed under humour

Hmm the NBC embedding doesn’t seem to be working for this… here is the direct link…

Rating 3.00 out of 5


New Bill Gates and Seinfeld Video

by @ 1:27 am. Filed under humour

I am not loving this one so much, not sure I really get it…



New Family: Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Gates (Long Version)

Rating 3.00 out of 5


My friend Dean has left the building… and entered a different building…

by @ 11:34 am. Filed under general

So my outstandingly good friend and brother from another, but English, mother (or would that be Mum) Dean Wells has moved on from one job and onto another. This will likely shock the heck out of some people and others will say wow that makes sense, about time. I know I was shocked at first and later said, “This really makes a lot of sense for you Dean.”

So anyway, Dean has left MSETechnology, the company he was co-founder of… to join… wait for it…. The Dark Side… Yes, friends, Dean Wells now works for Microsoft as a Full Time Microsoft Employee on the XBOX 360 Game Pad Controller User Experience Team. You all know Dean as that fun loving Directory Services “know it all” and “speaks in a funny accent” guy but what you don’t know is that he spends inordinate amounts of time at home, on planes, on trains, on taxis, at the back of his training classes, and yes, even on double-decker buses, playing XBOX 360 and he has some serious comments on how the Game Pad does and should work. He could take it no more when he started playing “Karaoke Revolution Presents American Idol Encore 2” and his wife beat him and he said, “This isn’t right, the game pad didn’t do what I wanted it to do…. Someone has to do something!!!!” 

Again some people will be like “WTF…. No way, Dean is an MVP, he is outside of MSFT and helps point out where MSFT isn’t doing things right and debates with them to get things right.” Others will say “This is perfectly logical and good and now he can continue that fight but from inside the walls with his little pretty blue badge.

Again, to be honest, when Dean told me a while back I was pretty shocked…  I said, “Dude, wtf, why now?” He said, “I was just waiting for that damned Bill Gates to leave…” and well, now Bill has moved on to bigger and better things and is off doing Shoe commercials so I guess Dean felt it was time to make his move.


I first “met” Dean in the newsgroups and email when Microsoft first offered me my MVP award back in 2000 or 2001. After I became an MVP I started chatting with Dean because he was newly minted as an MVP as well and he told me he nominated me (Along with Roger Abell) so of course I immediately liked Dean and Roger for their obvious levels of intelligence. 🙂

Dean and I chatted in email and the newsgroups fairly regularly and eventually after a couple of years he actually talked me into going to Seattle for a Microsoft MVP Summit. I got off the plane at SEATAC and went to luggage and he (with Jimmy the Swede) met me there by the luggage carousel and history started being made. 😉 

Seriously, we got along right off and although we[1] were silly enough to let Jimmy drive us back to the hotel (and we actually survived) we talked in person and realized that we were each people we could talk to in a way that we don’t often get to talk to others. We could assume understanding at all sorts of various levels and learned that while we were very similar we were also quite different in areas but instead of that being divisive, it was extremely complimentary. We could insult each other as a matter of course and we would laugh instead of get insulted. It was and still is all good.

Over the years we learned more and more about each other even, and this was always a point of oddness to me, on a plane ride to Vancouver for DEC one year we learned that our birthdays are 2 days apart. Same year, same month, separated by two days. Now this wouldn’t normally be odd to me because I am sure there are at least 3 people in the world who have a birthday within 2 days of mine. What was odd was that we were both up in the higher middle levels of the same field along very similar tracks and were born in different countries and became very good friends due to our similarities and we had a birthday within 2 days of each other. So who is the older one? That would be me of course, you can tell from my far superior intelligence and maturity, however in person you will think it is Dean because he is the one with all the gray hair. 🙂

I am very happy and excited for Dean and the new opportunities that lie before him and his family. I think this was an outstanding move for him and his family. I wish him all the luck and love in the world to accomplish what he has set out to accomplish and realizes that he doesn’t need the luck because he is just that good. If he wants to accomplish something, he will just go and do it. Luck doesn’t play into it. But I wish it anyway. 🙂

One of the big questions that comes up is what happens to the Dean and joe Show? The answer is… We don’t know. It may be possible we will speak together again in the future, a MSFT guy up on stage with a non-MSFT guy isn’t unheard of, I mean Bill Gates has presented with Steve Jobs in the past and that went ok… But again we don’t know. Certainly the tone would change a little bit, I don’t see how it couldn’t change, Dean and I have never had a problem being a little irreverent towards MSFT in our chats but now that Dean *IS* MSFT well that tone is very likely going to change a little. My thoughts are NEVER SAY NEVER but at the same time, don’t be placing bets on us speaking either. What will be will be. 

To wrap this up…. My main words of advice for my friend Dean is this… Have fun and laugh a lot and spend a lot of time with the family enjoying life. 🙂


P.S. He isn’t really working on the XBOX 360 Game Pad User Experience team, he applied, they rejected him, said his hands were too small (size does matter) and too soft. His backup plan of getting on the Directory Services team did pan out for him though so he will be on the Directory Services team doing who knows what kind of damage with several of my other friends that work there. 😉



[1] And by “We”, I, of course, mean Dean. I didn’t know Jimmy at the time and didn’t know my life was in danger until AFTER we were racing down the freeway and Jimmy spent more time turned around in the seat with his hands on the head rest looking in the backseat at me than at the road. I mentioned it and he told me, seriously, that cruise control was on so everything was fine…

Rating 3.00 out of 5

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