So some of you noticed a while back that I wasn’t chatting up American Idol at all which I occasionally do. I am a music kind of guy and that is a show I find interesting at times. Well the thing is, with the stuff that happened the last year I didn’t actually watch it, until now. So what 6 months after the shows were aired I am finally blowing the dust off of them and playing them from my Media Center. I have no clue what happened as I paid that little attention to pretty much everything because my head was down so it is like I am watching the show as it is new right now.
I have been playing the shows as background while reviewing the AD 4th Edition and the AD Cookbook 3rd Edition, it isn’t like I suddenly had all this spare time… Just helps to have background like that when I am reading these chapters.
So anyway… David Archuleta… Holy shit. That boy can wail! Amazing, I haven’t heard a single person yet (I am about to watch the second elimination show which he sang John Lennon’s Imagine for) that even comes close to his ability. Through all of the Hollywood stuff, etc, I haven’t heard a thing yet that I didn’t think, wow… Only 16 or so… Wow. That kid has a heck of a career in front of him if someone doesn’t completely screw him over.
Some other thoughts…
The guys….
Chikezie – Good singer but just not memorable to me except for his name. His voice sounds like several other good singers and there is nothing else there that causes goosebumps.
Robbie Carrico – He will be gone early I expect. I don’t really get a feeling he is a rocker so much as wants to project being a rocker.
David Cook – This guy is pretty good too, definitely you get a rocker feeling from him that you don’t get from Robbie. He reminds me of Daughtry which I haven’t decided is good or bad yet. His voice is only so so to me though he is extremely talented and entertaining. May be a bit too cocky IMO.
Michael Johns – I think he is a solid singer and entertainer. He isn’t going to win though, just too much other amazing talent. Love his accent, those darn Aussies and their accents. I really want to go to Australia but I expect I would never leave, I would just love the music of the voices. Anyway, any time I hear an Aussie accent I think of one very good friend, miss ya chumps.
Luke Menard – He is ok, another that I expect to be gone early. Something about him seems over the top for me in his voice. The A capella stuff was good for him I think. Not an American Idol.
Jason Yeager – Good voice but extremely forgetable, everytime he comes on stage I think, oh yeah. I forgot about him.
Jason Castro – This guy is really good, I expect he will stick around for a while. Great attitude too and seems very sincere in his singing. He will be one of those Idols that has a successful career I expect even though he won’t win unless Dave Archuleta hits a wall.
Daniel Noriega – Very good voice, much better personality, this guy cracks me up with his body language and comments. Very entertaining. His “ish” comment to Simon made me laugh very hard.
David Hernandez – Good singer, will be gone relatively early as well I think.
David Archuleta – Again… simply amazing. This boy has a gift and a great attitude. I hope he doesn’t become too big for his own britches as he becomes a big star and again I fully expect he will. Probably the best singer I recall ever on American Idol. No gimmics, just a great and pure voice.
Summary for the guys… Some amazing singers in there, no one whom I would say is bad and somehow slipped in. David Archuleta is by far my choice for winning out of the group though.
The girls…
Carly Smithson – Great voice. Seemingly great attitude, unique, I really like her. Definite rocker chick.
Syesha Mercado – Another beautiful girl with a beautiful voice but in a way like many other voices, I don’t see her as being unique enough to win unfortunately.
Kristy Lee Cook – Extremely beautiful. The camera loves her, very good voice, but she should be on a Country Idol type show I think because I think her voice and attitude is more directed that way. She seems to be struggling a little on the show and not sure if she will be able to correct. She definitely deserves to be there though. She could very likely be on TV and the movies as well. The country girl that the big city boy falls in love with and gives up wall street to be in the country with her, etc.
Ramiele Malubay – Love her. Big voice in a tiny package… Filipino which I have a lot of Filipino blood in me as well so I have to cheer her on. She should last a long time on the show.
Brooke White – Beautiful voice, way tooooooo nice. I just don’t see her lasting much past the middle of the show as I think she is going to bore people a little. At least she kind of bores me though I enjoy her singing and her personality.
Kady Malloy – I think this girl has an amazing voice but she is too confused as to what is her real voice. She needs to stop doing the impressions. I don’t think she has a chance to to win but I think she has a strong career in front of her if she can figure out who she is.
Amanda Overmyer – Very unique, too unique unfortunately. I don’t expect her to last long. She just seems to be trying to hard to portray that rebel rocker. May not be an act but seems like it. Sort of seems afraid to be “ordinary” so goes way beyond who she is to try and be something more exciting maybe? Not sure.
Alaina Whitaker – Unfortunately she is forgetable to me. Unfortunate because I think she has a very good voice.
Alexandra Lushington – I expect she won’t last long either, again, good voice though.
Asia’h Epperson – Another forgetable one for me, and yet again, good voice though.
Summary for the girls… All extremely pretty or better, all have very good voices. I like Carly, Kristy, and Ramiele best. Of the three I think Kristy doesn’t have a chance to win amongst the girls though I think she would make a good Idol.
Summary… As of right now, David Archuleta is easily my favorite to win this. I just don’t feel anyone else touches his pure vocals or great attitude. And he is 16… sheesh.