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Snow Skis in Florida

by @ 5:41 pm on 12/22/2005. Filed under tech

You want to know something that is as useful as Snow Skis in Florida? 4GB of RAM on an ASUS P4C800 Deluxe.

As per my previous post on the subject you know I was trying to work through the issue of getting 4GB to post after installing it into a machine with a P4C800 Deluxe Mobo. Well after much testing where I finally ended up disabling everything on the motherboard including all disk and USB and ports and everything except for video and that being reduced to 4MB aperature I got the memory to POST at 3044MB. This is the absolute best I could attain.

ASUS assures me the problem is entirely due to the memory mapping for PCI and Intel and that the 4GB is working fine and is fully supported. Well great, I get the exact same useable memory if I have 3GB of RAM or 4GB of RAM… That makes that 4th GB of RAM as worthless as snow skis in Florida…. Thank you ASUS for supporting it but why bother?


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