joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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ADFIND V01.29.00

by @ 5:20 pm on 12/22/2005. Filed under tech

You are like WTF joe!!! You just released a new version of ADFIND yesterday!

Why yes, yes I did.

Today I am releasing another version. So there.

Basically I was sitting there minding my own business and one of my MCS friends IM’ed me out of the blue asking why he couldn’t do -up *. I responded, good question, you should have it by tonight, I will steal the code from CPAU…

So here it is…

One small change, you can put in -UP * when specifying a user with -U and it will then ask you for the password and display dots instead of the password. That way you can connect to that ADAM instance in front of someone without them seeing your ADAM User password.


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