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~Eric’s big DIT

by @ 11:57 am on 6/15/2006. Filed under tech

BrettSH was heard saying “Eric is only about 5’10” and you cannot even see him when he turns sideways but is running around with one of the biggest DITs in the universe…. Where does he keep it? Does size really matter? How much of that DIT is the product of fluff and how much is hard data? Is it performant? Inquiring minds want to know…”

More on ~Eric’s big DIT over at Brett’s place, this is a deeper ESE based analysis of the blog entry ~Eric made that I previously pointed y’all at…

~Eric “Holmes” responded to my comment on what he planned on doing with his big DIT and to the dismay of Corvette, Porsche, and Ferrari owners the world over he killed the record breaking DIT after a little tinkering…


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