joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for June 15th, 2006

The long lost story of Squeaky Lobster finally revealed…

by @ Thursday, June 15th, 2006. Filed under tech

Do you know what the Squeaky Lobster registry key is? If not, you won’t find this story as interesting as those who do but it is still an awfully funny look into coding decisions. To the developer with the cunning alias of “Andrew Goodsell”, I feel for you dude and completely understand. And actually, I […]

~Eric’s big DIT

by @ Thursday, June 15th, 2006. Filed under tech

BrettSH was heard saying “Eric is only about 5’10” and you cannot even see him when he turns sideways but is running around with one of the biggest DITs in the universe…. Where does he keep it? Does size really matter? How much of that DIT is the product of fluff and how much is hard […]

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