joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for June 9th, 2007

Do we need a "Read-Only Administrator" Security Group?

by @ Saturday, June 9th, 2007. Filed under tech

It seems the last couple of weeks have been heavy security weeks for me. Dealing with all sorts of security issues that quite frankly, never should have been issues to begin with but I think the knowledge level of Windows Security and how Windows works[1] is so poor in general that stupid things that never […]

Paris in and out and back in jail…

by @ Saturday, June 9th, 2007. Filed under general

It is good to see Paris back in jail. Some people are up in arms that she was released at all, some people don’t feel it is right she got sent back. Me personally, she never should have been released and she should be there for her full sentence. While the writer of this article […]

Task Scheduler

by @ Saturday, June 9th, 2007. Filed under tech

How come I can’t configure Windows such that all AT scheduled tasks run as a specific userid or security principal? Why is it automatically going to run as the most powerful security principal on the machine? At least under NT4 we could set the scheduler service up to run as some other ID and it […]

Security by Obscurity Tip #19780225

by @ Saturday, June 9th, 2007. Filed under general

If you want to protect data in an Excel spreadsheet from prying eyes, set the color of the font to the color of the background. In this way you can be sure no one but you will know the data is there and be able to see it. This is especially good for super important […]

Tacoma Washington…

by @ Saturday, June 9th, 2007. Filed under general

So I am going to be out of home again for a week. Flying out to the Tacoma Washington area for work. No, not Seattle as I was initially sold on but Tacoma. 😉 I don’t have a problem with Tacoma other than I am near to Seattle but not so near that it is quite […]

Are you testing Longhorn (aka Windows Server 2008) RODCs?

by @ Saturday, June 9th, 2007. Filed under tech

Then consider trying this following command (all one line) and testing how everything works. If you find something bad that happens in Windows, let me know so I can feed that info back to the people who need to know. adfind -schema -f objectcategory=attributeschema searchflags -adcsv | admod -unsafe searchflags::{{.:SET:512}} -cont I have done this […]

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