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Task Scheduler

by @ 6:19 pm on 6/9/2007. Filed under tech

How come I can’t configure Windows such that all AT scheduled tasks run as a specific userid or security principal? Why is it automatically going to run as the most powerful security principal on the machine? At least under NT4 we could set the scheduler service up to run as some other ID and it would run that way and launch AT Scheduled jobs that way. We lost that ability when Task Scheduler functionality came around. Alternately maybe we need the ability to disable AT scheduled jobs entirely and only allow Task Scheduler type jobs.

I don’t know, I need to look closer at it all I think.

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One Response to “Task Scheduler”

  1. Clay says:

    Go to the Scheduled Tasks folder in Explorer. Now notice the new menu item, Advanced, right before Help, and select AT Service Account.

    What I haven’t been able to figure out is how to change that setting programatically, or even find where it is stored.

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