joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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I am a landowner…

by @ 4:48 pm on 8/28/2007. Filed under house stuff

Well I was a landowner before I guess, though 3/4 acre though doesn’t compare to ~12 acres. I walked around the “back” yard taking pictures and trying to find the property lines and the next thing you know it is couple hours later and I was lost. I eventually found the path again and made it back home. I took a ton of pics both inside and outside, I am going to go through and pick out the better ones and post them.

In the meanwhile, thanks to the former owners Neena, Gordon and their daughter Sarah for letting me have their home. I will try to take good care of it. I don’t know if it is normal for someone buying a house to do, but I gave them an open invitation any time they are in the area to stop by and check it out and I was absolutely sincere about it. I know there have been times I have driven past homes I used to live in that I really wanted to stop in at but I think that would be awkward just popping in if they haven’t invited you, hopefully giving an open invite removes any awkwardness for them. It is more their home than mine, they built it and spent the last 9 or so years in it which for Sarah that would be probably about half of her life.

Anyway I am quite excited by all of it. Should open up lots of adventures and fun projects. I have heard interesting things about the neighbors so looking forward to those interactions. I heard that the township is looking into deploying township wide wireless access so I let them know that I would be willing to volunteer any spare time I can find to help out with that.

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