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Targeting ADUC on specific containers

by @ 12:53 am on 8/25/2007. Filed under tech

I recently was pinged by someone wanting to know how to target specific containers when opening ADUC so you don’t have to dive down into the hierarchy. Being the incredibly proficient GUI tool aficionado you know I immediately had the answer and forwarded it off… Well not really, I pinged my good friend Dmitri who is responsible for ADUC there at Microsoft and asked him and he responded with

You can “target” ADUC at a specific container (not user or group though) using /RDN=full-dn-of-the-container switch.
It’s weird in a sense that it auto-appends the domain DN after automatically, so it should look like this:

mmc.exe dsa.msc /RDN=OU=Users,OU=Department

This will open it at OU=Users,OU=Department,DC=domain,DC=com root.

To display a propsheet of a specific AD object:

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One Response to “Targeting ADUC on specific containers”

  1. William says:


    Is there a way to target a specific OU in a different domain in an AD forest?

    Targeting a specific domain or domain controller works and I end up at root of other domain.

    Targeting an rdn in the current domain works.

    But if I combine server or domain swich with rdn switch I get an error.


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