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Tana lost…

by @ 2:22 pm on 5/8/2005. Filed under rants

Watch The Apprentice? If so did you catch this last week’s episode?

I think Tana lost. Whether she wins the show or not, she lost.

Why? I expect people who work for the trump organization might be watching. They all got to see Tanna say to Carolyn something to the effect of “how about those three stooges?” with Carolyn going “huh? You mean your team?”. If you missed it this was when they were in the limo driving to the project location.

Notice Carolyn wrote something down? I hope it was along the lines of this person has no respect for her team. If you are my boss, you may hate me, you may think I am an idiot, but don’t say so on camera and to others outside of the chain that can do something about it. That is extremely disrespectful.

How could anyone Tana got put in charge of possibly have any respect or trust now? They could be the next ones being talked about on national television.

I think Tana did a great job all through the show right up until this last one and then she seemed to feel that she might win and got extremely cocky about it. She needs to go back to her “I am a mum from Iowa act” and stay there. I personally think that she thinks that Kendra is no challenge. I don’t much like Kendra, but I think she is more challenge than Tana has a clue about.


Rating 3.00 out of 5

2 Responses to “Tana lost…”

  1. Rocky Habeeb says:

    Good God joe,

    [1] How in blue blazes do you have any time to even watch this show?
    [2] Thanks for putting out this blog. I have never read “ANY” blog, because I have no time, but I will read this faithfully.
    [3] When are you going to invent my “Active Directory On-the-fly recover from accidental deletion that works flawlessly and is released to the public by the Magnificent joe” tool?


  2. joe says:

    Hey Rocky.

    I stand by what I say. 🙂

    [1] Media Center Edition XP Rocks. 🙂 I actually do a lot of my computer stuff in front of the TV with a laptop.

    [2] Excellent!

    [3] I am not sure, I have something in mind but haven’t had the time to work on it with my real job and house work stuff like putting up mailboxes and clean garages and tiling the kitchen, etc.

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