joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Ebay and Google Books

by @ 8:33 pm on 5/9/2005. Filed under rants

I went to Border’s tonight because my g/f wanted to pick up some books. So in the meanwhile I thought, hmm, let’s check out the computer selection.

I walk around and what do I see but 3-4 shelves of books dedicated to Ebay shopping and selling. Do we *really* need 3-4 shelves worth of those books? Is anyone actually buying all of them?

Right next to those shelves were 2-3 shelves of Google books. Now I don’t know about you, but I find the Google search engine to be one of the easier things to use. I would sooner pull out my manual for my microwave than read a book on how to use Google.

In the end I found a nice book on clearance sale about PHP and MySQL. I don’t really have time to read it and I have hundreds of other books I haven’t read yet but I figured, what the hey, at some point I may all of a sudden in the middle of the night need to do PHP or MySQL programming for the website or for this blog so I went ahead and bought it. It just wouldn’t be right walking into a book store and not buying something.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

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