joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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Where are the updates

by @ 9:51 pm on 5/13/2005. Filed under updates

I have fielded quite a few questions lately around the topic of “Where are the updates and new tools?”. Well the answer is I am quite busy with real work and other things. I would love to just work on joeware every day, every week, every month because I love doing this stuff. However it doesn’t pay the bills (tough to do when you give out free tools and free advice) so I have to do other things. Keep the ideas coming though, any bugs found will eventually get fixed, any requests for new features will be seriously looked at and possibly added. It just depends on the time I have available to do it. I am sure you can understand that the time get allocated to things that pay the bills first and everything else second.


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One Response to “Where are the updates”

  1. bob says:


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