joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

So this is it…

by @ 9:56 am on 6/8/2005. Filed under general

I have received the DOC files for Active Directory 2nd Edition so I can start working on making it Active Directory 3rd Edition.

I am not afraid to say that I have butterflies over it. This is pretty different. As you may know, I wrote a chapter for the Windows Server Cookbook but this is different, this is a whole book I am updating now and adding at least a few chapters.

Anytime I tackle something new I start to wonder, will I really screw this up? Have I already peaked out my capability and now I am just being silly?

With the writing there is also the question of, is this really worth the time I need to put into this? Unless this book sells incredibly well there is a great disjoint in how much I will make versus how much time I will put into it when looking at my normal hourly rates for working.

I guess I have to think of it is as something I do for fun like writing the joeware tools versus something to make money from. However, you have a committement there that you don’t have for things you do for fun.

I recall back a long time ago when I thought and was being told by others that I will probably end up writing books or articles later in my life. I now seem to be at that point though I don’t like to think that I am now later in life. 🙂

All this and more races through your head or at least raced through my head concerning this project. We shall see. If I look at past results I will find the concern and butterflies were all unjustified, but maybe they become unjustified because I am so concerned about how it is all going to turn out because of the butterflies and it makes me work that much harder?


So anyway, have you read Active Directory 2nd Edition by Alistair and Robbie which is published by O’Reilly (The cat book)? If you did, what things did you run into that you thought, hey that just isn’t right!!! Or what things did you learn later that you wish you had learned when you read that book? What things did you learn from the book that later screwed you because it was generally/essentially right but not quite technically right?

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