joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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I want to be a billionaire or maybe a millionaire would be fine…

by @ 10:54 am on 9/10/2005. Filed under general

I just wanted to say that.

I think it would be quite fun to be able to focus on fun stuff like writing programs to do things other programs don’t do and just come up with ideas and help people on an informal ad hoc basis instead of having to worry about working and making money to buy food or make the truck payments, etc.

Don’t get me wrong, if I were filthy rich, I would still work, though I expect it would change a little in that it would simply be what I really wanted to work on and I could look at list of things that people wanted me to work on and I would go down the list…

maybe, put it to the side

And then I work at my own pace working either 1 hour or 100 hours for the week as I choose.

All of this from 300 ft yacht in the mediteranean or off the coast of Hawaii or Aruba or who knows where. Plus I think I would have a huge compound (I have always wanted a compound) in like Tennesee or one of the Carolinas with a couple of thousand acres and a multitude of houses spread out on the property where my family and some of my friends could live if they felt like it. It would have its own renewable energy sources, water supply, etc and gated to keep out the riff raff (you know who you are). All travel within the compound would be through little electric cars except for the 2-stroke dirt bikes and well maybe some kind of flying contraption.

I’m worth it!!! 😉


Rating 3.00 out of 5

3 Responses to “I want to be a billionaire or maybe a millionaire would be fine…”

  1. Don’t forget a few Segways to move along the compound’s paved sidewalks between the houses. (Dean was seriously jonesing to take a ride on the ones that were scooting around at Tech Ed.) 🙂

  2. pandaman says:

    …and a long winding downhill luge!

  3. Dmitry R says:

    Are large and loud Harley Davidsons allowed on the premises?

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