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Doing something to every machine in a list…

by @ 11:39 am on 10/22/2005. Filed under tech

Sometimes you want to run a simple command against every machine in a list or otherwise run a simple command and change one piece of info. Here is a quick and dirty script to do it.

For instance, lets say you want to check the AD Site every one of your Exchange Servers is in… You basically want to run

nltest /dsgetsite /server:*

where * is all of your exchange servers.

So if you have a file called exchangeservers.txt which has one exchange server per line you can use the perl script below with this simple command exchangeservers.txt "nltest /dsgetsite /server:~server~" output.txt

Here is the script


print "InFile: $infile\n";
print "OutFile: $outfile\n";
print "CMD: $cmd\n";

open IFH,"< $infile" or die("ERROR: Couldn't open infile - $infile : $!\n");
open OFH,">$outfile" or die("ERROR: Couldn't open outfile - $outfile : $!\n");

close IFH;
chomp @servers;

foreach $thisserver (sort @servers)
  next unless $thisserver=~/\w/;
  print "$thisserver\n";
  print OFH "$thisserver\n";
  print OFH "========================\n";
  print "  $thiscmd\n";
  @out=`$thiscmd 2>&1`;
  print OFH "@out\n";  
  print OFH "==============================================================\n";

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2 Responses to “Doing something to every machine in a list…”

  1. Guy Teverovsky says:

    hi joe 😉

    I know you are not a batch fan, but wouldn’t something like:
    for /f “delims=XXXX” %i IN (file.txt) do @echo “===%i===” & nltest /dsgetsite /server:%i

    do the job and save couple lines of code ?

  2. joe says:

    Oh it isn’t that I am not a batch fan. I just don’t use it personally. 🙂

    I like white space.

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