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The Apprentice

by @ 12:27 am on 11/4/2005. Filed under general

Yes I watch Apprentice. Not the Martha Stewart one, I saw enough of her in the news when that jail stuff was going on. Seeing her for 30 seconds a year is more than enough.

Donald Trump on the other hand cracks me up. In fact, I wouldn’t mind seeing Donald bringing Martha on his show and firing her.

On today’s show Markus “the inventor” got fired. Personally I have no idea how he made it as far as he did. He should have been fired in the first week just from talking too much. He seems to just like his own voice for some reason. One of the other team members put it best, “Markus puts a bunch of random words together and calls it a sentence”.

I mean anyone can put incorrect words together in a “sentence”, I can and do do that, but someone has to make me talk in the first place, generally I prefer to not talk. That is why I enjoy working from home so much. I can talk to my cat and listen to con calls with the phone muted until someone requires me to say something. Now email… I am a bit long winded but no one is forced to read the emails, you can always skim through them or stop reading them entirely. However if the person needs the detail later, they can go back to the email.

Anyway 🙂 Donald, it is about time, Markus was never a valid candidate as an Apprentice, why drag it out?

Rating 3.00 out of 5

One Response to “The Apprentice”

  1. Katherine Coombs says:

    I don’t know if you have them in the States, but in Australia and possibly in the UK, there are these shave your head for charity type thingos. Usually it’s a celebrity, or some girl with really long flowing locks who raise most of the money. As much as I like donating money, I’ve never bothered donating to these sorts of things. I’ve got a couple of charities that I support and I leave it at that. However….if Donald Trump was to put his hand up and volunteer his head for shaving, I would be compelled to throw some serious cash his way. That hair-do is just vile. Mesmerising. Inexplicable. He’s crying out for a makeover. Where are the Queer Eye for the Straight Guy when you need them??

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