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CPAU Updated – V01.11.00

by @ 1:34 am on 11/9/2005. Filed under updates

Another much awaited update….

CPAU gets some fixes that I put in some time ago but never publicly published plus some new options.

You can get the updated tool at

Updates include:

o Fixed bug in -title
o Fixed bug in -c / -k
o Added a warning when using network authentication
o Changed some backend string and param handling
o Added -c to help
o Changed help to output to stdout instead of stderr
o Added a couple of aliases for -profile, specifically -localwithprofile, -lwp
o Added -localwithoutprofile option and alias -lwop. This allows you to do local logon with no profile load.
o Added -nowarn. Tells CPAU to not display new network auth warning.
o Added -outprocexit. Used in conjunction with -wait and you get the process you spawned return code in errorlevel instead of the return code from cpau.
o Will warn you and stop running if it determines it is running as localsystem. Whether or not it runs like this depended on the OS rev level and the number of issues got to the point where I just disallow it entirely.

Some things requested that I didn’t do.

o I did not make it work with localsystem consistently well unless you consider it saying it won’t run that way at all. This is pretty heavy duty work and if done will be done in a tool called cpauEx or something else. It will be pay to play.

o Did not make the tool have silent launch capability when running JOB files. Again, considerable work, will be done possibly in future pay to play tool.

o Redirection of spawned processes output, maybe future or pay to play.

o Allow more info to be encoded in JOB files. This would invalidate every JOB file in existence now. I might do it, but again, different tool probably pay to play.


Rating 3.00 out of 5

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