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by @ 7:51 pm on 11/9/2005. Filed under general,,11069-1865386,00.html

Voters eject school board that ordered creationist lessons
From David Charter in Washington

VOTERS have ejected almost the entire school board that put a form of creationism on the curriculum and caused a court battle that divided America. But the electorate’s verdict in Pennsylvania was returned just as a school board in Kansas voted to introduce criticism of evolution into science lessons.

In both cases the boards were inspired by the “intelligent design” movement, which argues that life on earth is so complex that it reveals the work of a guiding hand.

Intelligent design has been seen as a Trojan Horse for the teaching of creationism in science classes. Supporters claim the endorsement of President Bush, who said: “I think that part of education is to expose people to different schools of thought.”

But eight Republicans on the Dover School Board, which had obliged teachers to read a statement in class explaining intelligent design alongside evolution, were voted out in favour of eight Democrats in one of many local ballots held across the United States on Tuesday.

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