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Household Mortgage – HSBC

by @ 6:50 pm on 11/20/2005. Filed under rants

Avoid Household Mortgage (HSBC).

I think the company is composed entirely of idiots. I have had issue after issue with them and they are really stupid issues. The loan will be payed off in the next three months so I thought I would make sure I write up a rant about them before I forgot.

I have a second mortgage through HSBC that I picked up a couple of years ago to get the addition on the house.

My first issue with them is that you have to pay them MORE to use their online pay. This makes absolutely no sense, they should be giving me a discount for paying online.

My second issue is that I like to pay additional principal on all loans I have, I tend to pay things off quickly versus let it drag out. I always make sure I get loans that this is possible because there are some loans you can’t pay off early because they want the interest fees. Well anyway, every two to three months the extra principal I send in gets applied as additional payments. Note that I mark the appropriate parts of the bill so they know exactly what I am doing. Not only that I write it by hand all over the check and the bill. There is NO way they could not know I am paying additional principal instead of paying extra payments. Still, the next month, the new bill comes and shows the previous payment and there it is, they spread my extra principal out as multiple payments…

Avoid HSBC (AKA HouseHold) Mortgage company completely. The next time I get a loan from any loan company I will make sure that Household is not a company that the loan could possibly be sold off to.


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