joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for December 13th, 2005

Setting the primary group with LDAP

by @ Tuesday, December 13th, 2005. Filed under tech

A friend of mine and fellow MVP named Laura Hunter ( is working on the new edition of the Active Directory Cookbook and has been pinging me with various AdFind/AdMod questions and well anything else that happens to come up. I guess if you want to know what makes the horse tick you walk up […]

This just in…

by @ Tuesday, December 13th, 2005. Filed under general

This just in, Galileo Galilei has been convicted of heresy by the Catholic Church. He has been sentenced to spend the remainder of his life under house arrest. Galileo was convicted of heresy due to his writings supporting Copernicus’s obsurd theory that the Earth rotates around the sun in a Heliocentric manner versus the universe […]

ExchMbx issue with Exchange Server 2003 SP2

by @ Tuesday, December 13th, 2005. Filed under tech

I recently got feedback that ExchMbx’s move mailbox functionality broke under Exchange Server 2003 SP2…. I couldn’t duplicate the issue until I actually ran ExchMbx on the E2K3 SP2 server directly versus across the network. I built another Exchange 2003 server and ExchMbx worked great, as soon as I upgraded to SP2, broken…. The error […]

HP Laptop update

by @ Tuesday, December 13th, 2005. Filed under tech

I have been pretty busy with life and work so the new HP Laptop has been sitting still. However my memory came in this morning so this evening I wanted to plug it in. I had two shiney new 1GB SODIMMs to insert. I did so and hit the power button and got a sound […]

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