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ExchMbx issue with Exchange Server 2003 SP2

by @ 1:19 am on 12/13/2005. Filed under tech

I recently got feedback that ExchMbx’s move mailbox functionality broke under Exchange Server 2003 SP2…. I couldn’t duplicate the issue until I actually ran ExchMbx on the E2K3 SP2 server directly versus across the network.

I built another Exchange 2003 server and ExchMbx worked great, as soon as I upgraded to SP2, broken….

The error is the extremely unhelpful Parameter is incorrect error. So the question is… why?

The workaround is to run exchmbx from a machine not loaded with the SP2 bits though you can move mailboxes onto/from a server loaded with E2K3 SP2. My expectation is that *something* changed in cdoexm.dll that broke me. From what I understand some other third party move mailbox tools also broke so if you make a tool like that, check to see if SP2 broke you.

Let me rant for a minute and say this is one reason why I dislike COM, I have had this happen a couple of times with COM but have never had it happen with Win32 API stuff. The bad thing is that I write A LOT of Win32 API code but very very little COM code. Makes me glad I haven’t written a lot of code that uses COM. I will further rant that MS gives this as the only mechanism to programmatically move mailboxes but the ESM doesn’t even use it…

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