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HP Laptop update

by @ 12:58 am on 12/13/2005. Filed under tech

I have been pretty busy with life and work so the new HP Laptop has been sitting still. However my memory came in this morning so this evening I wanted to plug it in. I had two shiney new 1GB SODIMMs to insert. I did so and hit the power button and got a sound I haven’t heard in ages, POST Beeping… Uh oh, bad memory? Bad SODIMM slot? Phoenix BIOS 1-3-4-3 which seems to mean bad lower 512k… Huh?

After various combinations of memory chips in the various slots (1 chip at a time, two chips at a time in various combinations 512 or 1GB) I narrowed it down to 1GB inserted into the top SODIMM slot as the culprit, works in the bottom slot fine. 512MB worked fine in either. That is some sort of a mobo issue I expect. Darnit. BTW, yes the machine is supposed to be able to take up to 2GB…

So, I have a three year anything that can possibly happen warranty and don’t truly need 2GB of RAM in it at the moment and would rather play with it than send it away over xmas break so I stuck one 1GB in my Dell 8500 with one of its new 512MBs and put the HP back together with its original 512 and a new 1GB. I will look into it later when I really need the 2GB or else it ticks me off and I have time to play with it and don’t mind it going away for a few days.

I now get to install 8GB of RAM into a pair of desktops (one which is my main desktop PC and one that pretends it is a Server hosting a bunch of virtual guest machines). I might as well get the air cans out and blow the dust out too as they haven’t been opened up in over a year.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

2 Responses to “HP Laptop update”

  1. Karan Mavai says:

    Since you’re running more than 1GB on your laptop I’ll point you to this article about a new hotfix to resolve a hibernation issue with computers with greater than 1GB RAM. Check out

    The hotfix is free to obtain if you call support. Drop me an email if you want to skip the step and I’ll send it to you.


    PS. Thanks for the great tools!

  2. joe says:

    Thanks for the info. I actually don’t run desktop OSes on my laptops, I run server OSes as I am usually doing server type work versus desktop type work. A little odd but that perfectly describes me. 🙂

    I have found that I also tend to shutdown versus hibernate as well. I have had a couple of occasions where something went wrong and I lost my hibernation state and I sat there wondering… did I just lose something or was I not doing anything?

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