joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

So you say you have some extra MS PSS hours hanging about you need to spend…

by @ 9:36 pm on 3/31/2006. Filed under tech

… spend them by bringing in Dean Wells to teach you and/or your staff.

I must state up front that Dean is a good friend of mine but that just means I know how bright he is and how well he can present info. Don’t take my word for it though, go look at anyone who is writing about the Directory Experts Conference 2006 and see what they say, I defy you to find a single writeup that said Dean sucked. If you do, send it to me so I can frame it.

Dean most certainly doesn’t suck and when I learned that you could use Premier hours to bring him or someone from his company in I thought, wow, I have to let people know. That would be a far better use of the hours than some of the classes I have had to sit through put on by various support analysts who really were presenting material way outside of their range.

Oh yeah btw ladies, he is cute and has a nice smooth English accent too… ;o)


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