joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

From the “I didn’t think I would ever say this” category…

by @ 10:50 pm on 4/3/2006. Filed under tech

Today I was looking over someone else’s code being used to set an Access Control Entry (ACE) on an Access Control List (ACL) in a Security Descriptor (SD). The main issue I ran into is that they didn’t understand the core basics of what you are setting on the ACEs. I started wondering, hmmm how do I help easily get the understanding across on this topic because it really isn’t a quick email and it is darn near impossible to teach someone programming over the telephone…

Aha I aha’ed. I recalled that the book has a great section on this, Alistaire, Robbie and myself already individually sweated out how to help people learn this stuff… So what was my response…

“That is in my book, Active Directory Third Edition pubished by O’Reilly; you should go buy it and read chapter (26 I think) from start to end twice and this will all make sense…”

I was trying hard not to laugh at myself for recommending someone go buy my own book in a straight up normal professional conversation. It isn’t that I didn’t think it was the right thing to do, it just seemed so, I don’t know cocky or something? You know like… I wrote the book on that? Maybe it is just me. I really don’t feel that I am not that guy, I sometimes play that guy for fun in the newsgroups but I am not that ego driven in reality.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

2 Responses to “From the “I didn’t think I would ever say this” category…”

  1. Fred says:

    You should be justifiably proud of being an author of such a great book and you’re entitled to quote it ad nauseam, including recommending to read a particular chapter–once. Telling them to do it twice is being cocky! 🙂

  2. joe says:


    ACLs are fun stuff, think of it like a two pass compiler. The first pass sets up the memory locations and the second pass actually populates the info.

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