joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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Vista thoughts.

by @ 3:53 am on 4/10/2006. Filed under tech

As mentioned in passing previously I installed Vista on my HP AMD 64 bit Laptop, build 5308 (yes I know it is out of date, I am downloading 5342 as I write this) and it was slow slow slow slow. In fact, I thought the darn thing had hung on me when I didn’t see a change in something like 45 minutes. I probably would have except I wasn’t watching it too close, my sis was in town and she gets a wee bit grumpy if I spend my time on the computer instead of entertaining her. Imagine that. 🙂


So initial thoughts on Vista besides slooooooooow.

1. Looks very nice, very visually appealing. Even pretty. Mac-like.

2. How come the command prompts don’t allow for different backgrounds and transparency?

3. The new clock functions are cool. You can have your main clock plus you can specify two other time zones. Currently I have my clock displays up and it shows 3:52:20AM, 8:52AM, and 5:52PM.


Rating 3.00 out of 5

One Response to “Vista thoughts.”

  1. Alun Jones says:

    I’m amused at the way that transparency plus an LCD monitor plus ClearType equals black and white text turns multi-coloured when obscured by a window frame.

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