joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Hi Mom!

by @ 10:49 am on 4/28/2006. Filed under general

My mom reads the blog and I just wanted to say hi to her. 😉

I figure it was an easy way to make her smile and smiling is critically important, both for the person smiling and the people who get to just sit back and look at it.   (a)





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One Response to “Hi Mom!”

  1. Mom says:

    Hi sweetie! and YES it did make me smile. I always enjoy hearing from my brilliant son 🙂 (see definition below)


    Sparkling with luster; glittering; very bright; as, a brilliant star.
    Distinguished by qualities which excite admiration; splendid; shining; as, brilliant talents.
    A diamond or other gem of the finest cut, formed into faces and facets, so as to reflect and refract the light, by which it is rendered more brilliant. It has at the middle, or top, a principal face, called the table, which is surrounded by a number of sloping facets forming a bizet; below, it has a small face or collet, parallel to the table, connected with the girdle by a pavilion of elongated facets. It is thus distinguished from the rose diamond, which is entirely covered with facets on the surface, and is flat below.
    The smallest size of type used in England printing.
    A kind of cotton goods, figured on the weaving.

    I figure most of the above describes you!

    We are going to have to plan an UP-NORTH BBQ soon!!

    Love you Honey

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