joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...


by @ 10:23 pm on 4/30/2006. Filed under general

Do you know LinkedIn? If not, there’s nothing more for you to see here, move along… 

So I am generally quite slow to use the various websites that try to connect you to other folks but have been known to sign up for one or two occasionally such as just to see what the hubbub is about. Well in a fairly recent time frame[1] I received emails from two friends asking me to join this LinkedIn thing. Looks sort of cult for white collar workers.

Since one of the people was a friend of mine leaving the company we both work for I thought, hey, this might be a good way to keep track of folks when they move around. It seems that most people are silly and use corporate emails for their main email address when dealing with “outside of work” friends and there are quite a few people I have lost touch with once they left whatever company I knew they worked for. I mean I guess it could be purposeful as well, but I am pretty easy going, if you don’t want me to email you, say, “yo dude, enough with the emails already.” I certainly have no problem telling that to others who bother me.

So anyway, I joined this monster, started peeking around and seeing folks I knew. A very very very very few of them[2] I sent little “connect” messages to asking if they would be interested in listing me in their contacts. Completely and totally up to them, I recommend they all look at my profile first, I am not looking at this as a business thing, but as a thing to keep track of friends.

If interested in adding me to your connections list, add me in if you want. It seems you have to enter my email address which is my normal joe at Unless you know without a shadow of a doubt whether or not I will recall you, please give me some clue. If I wouldn’t recall you but you just like my utilities or blog entries, say that, that is cool, I will not normally be mean to someone while they are telling me I write amazing software. 🙂



[1] Recent is relative, both emails from both friends were in my inbox at the same time when I cleaned out my inbox today. I went from ~2000 emails to about 69 emails. Sorry folks, most of them are deleted, I used to keep everything, then I realized that there were very very few that I actually went back and reread so I stopped doing that quite a while ago. If I keep your emails now it is because you are blackmailing me, I am blackmailing you, or you “really made me laugh hard” / “taught me something cool” / “who knows what” and I really like rereading your emails.

[2] In the vein of not trying to annoy anyone viewpoint except those few people I like annoying. 🙂

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