joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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Congrats to Brad and Angelina…

by @ 11:29 pm on 5/28/2006. Filed under general

Angelina had her baby, congrats to her and Brad.

Now that is all I need to know, I don’t need photos, I don’t need to know the babies weight nor height nor hair color or anything else. Neither does anyone else. If the family wants to announce that stuff great, in the meanwhile I hope all the nosey nellies just back off.

I think of it in terms if that was my family, say I was the brother of Angelina or she was my wife and all of these people were butting in who didn’t need to be? I would be outside with a bat or a giant can of mace or something looking for photographers and reporters. Our right to know doesn’t extend into their personal lives. We need to focus on our own lives.

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