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Ding dong the witch is dead… No more Win9X

by @ 7:00 pm on 7/11/2006. Filed under tech

No more Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, and Windows ME support….



I know it is probably just me but I hated Windows 95/98/ME. As soon as NT4 was available and I got a hold of it I was running that. Prior to that I worked on a lot of DEC RSTS/E and VMS stuff and OS/2 and UNIX and just a little bit of Windows 3.1 and Windows 95.

My support policy for Windows 9x has been for a long time to ignore it and hope the people will go away. If someone would come up to me and would say “I am running Windows 9(something or other) and it is doing this and that and this or that or not doing this or that” and I my response was you could have stopped at Windows 9… Or if they ask how to run some of my tools on Win9x I would simply say… you don’t and no I don’t intend to do anything about it.

I realize that just because MSFT doesn’t have mainstream support for it doesn’t mean it is going away but it does make my case for not supporting it even stronger. Companies and people that run it have made a conscious decision that they really don’t care about security and quite honestly I have trouble relating to folks who don’t want security. Security is a requirement for stability. I like stable systems.



Rating 3.00 out of 5

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