joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Focus on a previous comment…

by @ 7:15 pm on 7/21/2006. Filed under tech

Mike Kline frequent joeware blog commenter posted a comment for the article where I congratulated Mark and Bryce[1] for the sale of Sysinternals. I responded to his comment and ripped on my aquaintence Dean and realized that Dean isn’t ever going to go back and look at comments and actually see the rip, heck I am surprised when he even sends me an email about one of my posts. So I thought I would bring it out here as its own blog entry because if Dean doesn’t get to see the rip it just isn’t as fun for me… 🙂

For your reading pleasure (especially you Deano)

Mike Kline Said:

July 19, 2006 at 4:13 pm | Edit

You have officially taken over the sole first place position for free Active Directory tools. Nicely done Joe!!

I always put you and sysinternals on the same level although you are one person and they are a company.

You always mention people that are worth listening to and Mark Russinovich is one of those people in my opinion. I’ve emailed him a few times in the past and he also seems like a really nice guy. Nice pickup for Microsoft.

and then…

joe Said:

July 21, 2006 at 7:02 pm | Edit

Well crap I hope I was pretty much always #1 for free AD tools, sysinternals only had one small tool which is just a part of the functionality built into admod. 

If you have a Windows IT Pro subscription, check out this article

5 Must-Have AD Tools…. I will let you guess what website three of them come from. 

I definitely agree that Mark is someone you want to listen to. However if you ever saw his little training video, drink lots of mountain dew while listening or else you may fall over sleeping. That thing about killed me. There are people who can present and people who can’t. Mark in that video couldn’t no matter how much I wanted to learn what he was talking about… Someone who could present the phone book and keep you interested is my buddy Dean Wells. He is an AMAZING speaker. His writing sucks but he way makes up for it with his speaking…

Oh, if you work for Avanade and want to see what absolutely has to be your best internal training videos on Active Directory, ping me with an email and I will give you a name to go look for in your training video archives to get the videos of Dean and his amazingly interesting presentation and his ummm style. 🙂




[1] For those of you on the ball, you actually saw me typo Bryce with Bruce in the initial post and swing back and correct it later after my friend Missy Miss Exchange MVP Mom corrected me . If Bruce was one of those folks, I am extremely sorry! For the rest of you that may have seen it, no apologies for you, I don’t owe you one. 🙂

Rating 3.00 out of 5

2 Responses to “Focus on a previous comment…”

  1. Mike Kline says:

    Very nice adfind, admod, and oldcmp all made the top 5 must have tools. We use adfind and oldcmp regularly.

    I like Robbie’s example of piping adfind into admod. I’m going to have to start using that too, looks really cool.

    I hear that you and Dean put on a great show at DEC and everyone seemed to love your presentation this year. I hope to make it to DEC next year to see that. I wish they would sell those videos kind of like they do for Tech-Ed.

  2. joe says:

    That piping is one of the real powerful features of using adfind and admod… In fact, the mods I am putting into admod now are all surrounding that and the -adcsv switch from adfind. Basically it serializes the data better for me to do things like modify a single bit on an attribute like useraccountcontrol or append or prepend info onto a string for an attribute or even switch fields around like reversing the first and last name if for some reason you wanted to do that as well as rename or move objects based on their AD attributes.

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