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AFA still claiming to be impacting Ford and Ford still not giving a…

by @ 10:11 pm on 8/9/2006. Filed under general

I received a new email from the AFA today about Ford and how Ford supports the Gay Lifestyle. Seems the AFA still thinks that they are the reason for Ford’s losses though we have discussed that here in depth. Now they are also talking about a group of 78 Texas Area Ford Dealerships that sent a note to Ford about this. Stupidity aside, the note brings up a good point… Why is the AFA only targeting Ford if GM and other manufacturers are also donating large sums of money to the same groups?

Only Don at the AFA can answer that… I don’t expect there is a good answer.

Here is the daily drivel from the AFA

August 9, 2006

Please help us get this information into the hands of as many people as possible by forwarding it to your entire email list of family and friends.

78 Dealers Ask Ford to Stop Supporting the Homosexual Agenda

American Family Radio’s KidzRadio – 24 Hour Radio for Kids – Click here to listen live! <> Ford gives donation to pro-homosexual marriage groupDear Joe,

Great news! Read the dealer’s letter to Bill Ford before you continue. <> Ford sales have consistently dropped since AFA began the boycott. The drop in March was 5%, April 7%, May 2%, June 6.8%, and July 4.1%.

Ford has made yet another donation to a homosexual group pushing homosexual marriage. And they continued supporting homosexual marriage with ads in two homosexual publications—The Advocate and OUT. Ford is listed by Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) as being a “Topaz” sponsor of PFLAG. PFLAG did not identify the specific amount required to be a Topaz sponsor, perhaps because they did not want the amount made public. Nevertheless, it requires a considerable sum to be a PFLAG “Topaz” sponsor.

Here is the policy statement from PFLAG: “PFLAG supports revision of federal and state statutes to extend to persons in same-gender committed relations the right to marry with the full legal rights and benefits, as well as responsibilities and obligations.” PFLAG is a leader in promoting the pro-homosexual agenda and legalizing homosexual marriage

Ford obviously agreed with the goal of PFLAG to legalize homosexual marriage, else they would not have made the donation to help PFLAG.

When Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (PFOX), an organization helping homosexuals come out of the homosexual lifestyle, asked Ford for a grant, Ford refused. In fact, in our research AFA did not find that Ford gave a donation of any amount to any organization helping those who want out of the homosexual lifestyle. Ford says they are committed to diversity, but their definition of diversity is evidently confined to supporting only pro-homosexual organizations.

Ford continued their support of the homosexual lifestyle by advertising in the August, 2006 issues of both The Advocate and OUT. They placed a full page ad in OUT and two full pages in The Advocate. Ford has been supporting homosexual media with advertising for years.

What kind of material is Ford supporting? Here is the front cover of The Advocate <> along with one of the Ford ads. The pictorial contents inside the magazines are so offensive that we could not include them in this mailing. Here are some titles of the articles in the magazines: Is Porn An Option, At Your Service (male escort), The Book Of Lesbian Love, Five Sex Tips For Gay Men, Five Sex Tips For Lesbians, and Private D–K In A Hard Place. According to the Detroit Free Press, Ford “donates hundreds of thousands of dollars to homosexual groups, sponsors gay pride parades, and holds mandatory diversity training…”





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7 Responses to “AFA still claiming to be impacting Ford and Ford still not giving a…”

  1. Matt says:

    da took er jorbs…. rabble rabble rabble

  2. Fred says:

    Joe, why are you bothering yourself with some fringe group which has about as much influence on Ford (like you pointed out) as I do? Why do you continue to stay on their email list? Isn’t life too short, your mailbox too small or do you like receiving their daily missives too much?

  3. joe says:

    Fred: If for nothing more than to get you to ask why. 🙂 Other than that, it is good to see what they are planning and being at least one person to stand up and say the AFA or at least the people running it are all smoking crack. I hope one day people will learn that groups like this are simply out to control people and take away our rights.

  4. Fred says:

    Take away our rights? Surely, you jest! Don’t tell me you’re one of those conspiracy theorists. I wouldn’t have taken you for one… I would love to see just one (documented) way in which the AFA has taken anyone’s rights away, otherwise it’s pure speculation.

    You know, in this republic you seem to think is peopled by the most idiotic, base, moronic people on earth, it is permissible for individuals or groups of individuals to be able to posit their opinions freely? I’m sure, hate them as you do, you wouldn’t want the AFA (or whomever) never to be able to give their opinions any more, right?

    By the way, let me ask you: do you think America is a good country, in general? In a circumstance you think is right–say, maybe World War II– would you fight and maybe die for your country? Very interesting to hear your responses.

  5. joe says:

    Fred: Nope, I am not a conspiracy theorist. But we may be talking about rights at different levels. I look at it this way, anytime party A speaks up to take something away from anyone because they feel that it needs to be controlled, someone is trying to remove someone else’s rights. If this is something dangerous, I believe it should be done. For instance, I probably shouldn’t have the right to carry a gun into a supermarket and start shooting at people I don’t like the looks of. However, if I want to start a little fire in my backyard to burn up some wood or roast some marshmellows then no one should have a say in it, certainly because some group of people don’t like it they shouldn’t be able to force me to have to go buy a $100 permit to have a fire. Things like that get passed because someone stands up and says it should be done and in the absence of someone saying get out of my life, it happens. So you now have something that has no impact on anyone that you have to pay $100 to be able now do and if you don’t pay up front and you are caught, you get to pay $250 later. Makes no sense.

    If any one group is the the only ones stating their opinions, I think people have to be prepared for them to get their way. Realistically, very small groups of people control how large groups of people live and act. Just watch school and city boards making decisions on local laws, rules, etc.

    I am absolutely not against people posting their opinions, obviously, I post tons of them. I defend the AFA’s right to post their opinion and that is in part one of the reasons why I post their entire email instead of just saying they are a bunch of kooks. I want anyone who reads my opinion to read what they said as well. I doubt that they are publishing my opinions for their folks on the flip side.

    When people post their opinions though, I tend to think, what is it that is being hurt by the thing they are speaking out against. I see no reason why the AFA should be out against Ford other than the fact that someone in the AFA is a homophobe. If they were doing the same thing because Ford supports the black agenda or some rival Christian sect then the AFA couldn’t say a word without coming off looking like complete jackasses to a majority of the country because that isn’t acceptable in this country. What a load of shit.

    Is America a good country in general? I am not sure. I think a lot of the people are good in general. But I also think a lot of the people are too busy or too comfortably lazy and want to be left alone in general which means that little activist groups who do not share the opinion of the majority have far more power to implement silly agendas than they should and once they are in place they are much more difficult to deal with. I think the country could be considerably better if a lot of folks just minded their own business and what directly impacts them.

    The World War II comment is interesting… I am not so sure the people who died in that died for the US, more they died for a more global or even universal purpose. In the end, it is possible that had we not gotten into that the guppies would have swallowed the whale (the rest of the world that wasn’t Axis) and then might have come after the US/Canada but then again maybe not. Attacking the US would not have been the easiest thing to do then. The Japanese had one small attack on the US and were stretched out pretty bad to do so. Personally I think the Axis powers would have turned on themselves because each of the powers wanted full control over everything, they weren’t the sharing types.

    Anyway, that is deflecting the comment. Would I die for the US… No. I would fight and die to protect my family and friends. In the end I think that is what those soldiers who went out there for a noble purpose truly were doing; they looked at the Germans and Japanese as imminent threats to their actual families because their was massive and complete committement on the part of Axis powers to kill and conquer. So people signed up and went out there to do something about it… They died for their parents, they died for their siblings, mostly they died for their children and their family and friends’ children. If there were no children, there would have been no point in fighting; it all would have ended after that generation died anyway.

    After World War II thinks got dicey and the US seemed to get the idea that it needed to be the policemen of the world jumping in here and there and everywhere because of this or that political expediency.

  6. Fred says:

    I knew it was going to be an interesting answer you gave, Joe. If anything, that was guaranteed. You should rewrite the history books for WWII. Died for a global, universal purpose, indeed! {shake head}

    I lived for majority of my life as an American outside America. I was born in Africa, lived there, lived in England and now, live in the US. I have vacationed in Europe, South America, and various small islands around the world. I can tell you one thing: there is no freer country, period.

    The basic, underlying governing principle of this country–embodied in the constitution–would (and is) anathema in 95% of the rest of the world. I’ve been studying philosophy these past few years and believe me when I tell you that the American “experiment” is the reason why it is the only super power left. It is the reason you are not afraid to write deleterious material about your own country, your own president and government, on your own website without fear of the 3am knock on your door. I lived in a place where such a thing was routine, where editors of newspapers received parcel bombs which killed them and their family members simply because they permitted the publication of trifling criticism of the government.

    The United States, peopled by human beings, of course is not perfect. There will be and are problems, hopefully solved by the checks and balances the Founding Fathers sought to put in place. I will not be able to dissuade you from your chosen path of low-grade anti-Americanism and your obvious shame at being an American, nor is that even my place. Allow me to just say however, that for every person like you, there are literally millions of people who wake up everyday around the world wishing for all the world they had the problems you do. Who, because of the tragic accident of birth, are locked in a hell on earth and struggle everyday to survive. Who die from diseases last known to kill Americans in the 18th century. Allow me to opine that I think you should count yourself immensely lucky.

    I also think I will stick to reading your technical stuff, which is excellent. Not that I don’t enjoy these tete-a-tetes.

  7. joe says:

    Hi Fred:

    The soldiers for the Axis powers in general were fighting for their countries. They were trying to take more land/resources in the name of the motherland. They weren’t trying to defend themselves nor their families until they started getting their collective asses kicked. The British, the Canadians, the Americans and other Allies fought primarily, from my chats with the WWII vets I have chatted with because they literally feared that their families were in imminent danger. I haven’t spoken with any Korean vets that I can recall but I have spoken with Vietnam and Gulf vets as well as vets of some of the other smaller things and the overall morale of the folks in question seemed considerably higher in the WWII folks who were fighting for the direct cause of the safety of their families and indirect cause of fighting for the country.

    To put this another way, if your country decided that in order to save the country as a whole they would have to give up say Idaho and everyone in it or would have to do some sort of test on it that could possibly kill everyone. Either way you are dying for your country, I don’t think there is anyone who would consider that a good or honorable death. If however, people had families that they could save by doing that, I expect would jump into that in a heartbeat versus doing it for the country. Thankfully we usually don’t have to worry about this kind of thing here because there are supposed to be checks and balances in place. I don’t believe that stops everything, but certainly makes it tougher to do.

    You make the same assumption that I think I spoke to in another post/comment that I am saying ANY country is better than the US and there is nothing further from the truth. I agree there are some shitty countries out there, just because I say that there are crappy things going on here doesn’t mean I am going to move to some middle east country or Russia or some third world country. Those are great places to mention when saying how great the US is because they absolutely suck from our viewpoint but they don’t represent every other country. There are other good countries where I wouldn’t be afraid to say the leader was a boob just like I have that ability here. If I didn’t have that ability I would have moved already family or not. I am not the type who is good at holding back opinions. Did you find England all that oppressive and if so, exactly how old are you, is this Queen Victoria timeframe or earlier. 😉

    It almost sounds like you are saying because I can bitch about the country that makes it good enough so that I shouldn’t. Obviously that is silly, if it were true, what good is the ability.

    The country needs people pointing out our flaws and pushing people to think of how things are not great. If we just sit there thinking, well this is better than some other places, we shouldn’t complain, then we will not make any progress as a country.

    The way “we” continue to try and point out differences in citizens and punish them for those differences is something I think we should be shameful about. Most people don’t care about the segregation and treatment, just like most didn’t (and in some cases still don’t) care how the “negro” or the “woman” or the “Japanese American” was treated until it somehow impacts thems.

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