joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Do you have 10+ wild Acres in Macomb or Oakland County?

by @ 9:56 pm on 8/10/2006. Filed under house stuff

If you have 10 or more acres in Macomb or Oakland county (SE Michigan) that has trees and grass and maybe a stream or a pond drop me an email with info on the location and what you want for it. I am poking around but is seems hard to find a comprehensive list.

I intend to build and “domesticate” about an acre of the property and intend to let the rest remain relatively wild so if you are worried about bunnies or foxes or deer or horses or what not, don’t, I want 10+ acres so I can share it with those kinds of critters. I would love 40+ acres but unless I start looking further out or I stumble upon a cuople of million dollars I am not expecting to be able to purchase that much. This is a hard piece of realization I have had to come to this summer as I realized I wanted to be nearer to civilization than I previously thought about AND saw what the land barons are getting away with… If I lived up in Northern Lower Michigan near where I grew up we would be talking about 100 or so acres for what I am hoping for 10 or so acres down here.



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