joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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12 year old amateur fools the best airport security the British have to offer at Gatwick…

by @ 6:35 pm on 8/17/2006. Filed under general

This 12 year old runaway from a children’s home got on an international flight with no passport and no ticket. I also assume he didn’t have a driver’s license or other form of ID… Possibly he was carrying a nuclear warhead but that is unconfirmed…

Recall back my comment on trying to fully secure planes was a lost cause? I wasn’t even thinking of this. I was thinking of underpaid and pissed off baggage handlers and stewardesses and pilots and people sitting a couple of miles away from the airport with RPGs.,0,6981620.story?coll=la-home-world

They took the kid off of the plane after they figured out he shouldn’t be there, but in that case shouldn’t they have checked the whole plane out? While it is likely that he didn’t carry a warhead onboard, it isn’t like anyone knew for sure. I guess he didn’t fit the profile. 🙂



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