joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

AdMod V01.07.00 Beta seen in the wild…

by @ 11:29 pm on 9/13/2006. Filed under updates

Yes! I finally got the beta out the door to a few beta testers. Hopefully the testers will beat the crap out of it and tell me where all of the issues are. In the meanwhile I will try to run through testing everything in various ways as well.

This is what September 13, 2006 will be known for, the release of AdMod V01.07.00 beta into the wild. Well that and the fact that Britney Spears popped out her other love child. 😉 But of course actual released product that is being run by folks beats a millionaire baby any day right?

If you emailed me about being a tester and I didn’t respond with a link to download the beta, let me know. You might have gone into the junk mail folder, that has been a popular place for email lately and I just haven’t had the time to filter through it looking for false positives so if I don’t see a valid email in a quick scan, it gets dumped with the junk.


Also posted to the blog are the new usage screens available in AdMod so folks can get an idea of “what’s in there”. Similar to AdFind, I broke out the usage into multiple screens. You will note that the CSV usage screen is LONG…. but still nowhere near complete on the power of the options available now.


The ordering of these posts is going to be for the Web Viewers, RSS readers are going to order it whatever way the user has it configured to display… If you read all of these in one sitting, you can send me your thanks for giving you a good night’s sleep – just visualize me reading a bed time story to you. 😉

Rating 3.00 out of 5

2 Responses to “AdMod V01.07.00 Beta seen in the wild…”

  1. jorge says:

    and what would that story be about? Admod’s usage help? 😉

  2. joe says:

    That is it exactly. 🙂

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