joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Dude? You ok?

by @ 1:06 am on 12/13/2006. Filed under general

Apologies to everyone, I have been extremely busy and not posting. I didn’t think much of it but several offline responses to the recent post grouping over the last couple of days and an email from Tony over at asking where the heck I was at made me realize that folks actually expect me to post things and come out of my shell regularly. 🙂

So no I haven’t found a better job, I haven’t won the lotto, I haven’t become a monk, I haven’t moved, I haven’t died, I haven’t given up on blogging, I haven’t moved to the New Zealand outback, I haven’t been kidnapped by Microsoft or any other vendor, I haven’t anything else that people have wondered except for those who guessed I have been mad crazy busy. It isn’t just blogging, I have gone dark on nearly all communication fronts due to stacked up “stuff”. Exceptions are anything that I can quickly blast out answers for, the specific work projects that I must work on, and responses to specific individuals.

If you have sent me email and I haven’t responded, I will when I can, if you have posted a comment, I will respond at some point, if you have asked a question on ActiveDir Org and I have an opinion I will eventually respond. It may take a bit though, again, I am pretty tied up and with exception of the end of year holiday break (hopefully) I expect to be tied up for a while still.

New stuff going on is that I learned various cool technical things from various cool techie people I have recently met, nothing awesome related to AD on that front but some other cool Windows stuff, one item which I already posted. I did find a fun way to hurt AD myself to the point of constant rebooting with LSASS crashing when “playing around” but I won’t be giving any details there as I was doing something I shouldn’t have been doing and to get out of it I had to do something else I shouldn’t have done. I have some pics to show off some more ceiling wallpaper work I completed. Started work on the Holiday/Christmas/Yule/Winter Solstice Card. I completely failed to add a Hauppage PVR-500 to my media center (I want 4 tuners) after a couple of hours of fiddling, machine wouldn’t boot with the card in it no matter what I did. Oh also I saw a formal Active Roles Server demo (from Quest) and was suitably impressed. I have dealt with it several times but have never seen the front end and everything it can do, plus this was my first experience at all with the new 6.x.x version. Oh finally, I learned from watching MythBusters this evening while trying to refurb an old Dell PC that the higher the muzzle velocity of a rifle the more likely you are safe from the bullet when you dive under water. A 50 caliber shell broke up within 30 inches of water penetration.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

3 Responses to “Dude? You ok?”

  1. jorge says:

    it does save us a crap load of time reading your posts… hehehe ;-))

  2. You know I totally understand why you haven’t been around if you’ve been hanging wallpaper. I learnt how to do that a couple weeks ago and I really hope that was the one and only day I ever hang wallpaper.

    Sat through a Quest demo a couple weeks ago too – mine was definetely not as good as yours it sounds like.

  3. Mike Kline says:

    I thought you were still celebrating the democratic victory in the November elections. Michigan may get a few more blue friends in November 2008.

    4 tuners, that is hard core. You are a serious multi-tasker though but do you really need 4?

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