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CPAU – Trend Micro – TROJ_GENERIC.ZA – Resolved

by @ 11:11 pm on 3/5/2007. Filed under general

Just an update on the whole Trend Micro detecting CPAU as a TROJ_GENERIC.ZA virus so I can direct people to this page instead of answering all of the emails individually…

I, as well as several companies who use CPAU, contacted Trend Micro. They responded to me within a few hours and said they would look into it. I have now been informed that Trend Micro has “cleared” my CPAU and declared it ok to use (gee thanks!) and customers can download a “bandage” patch from the Trend Micro FTP site or wait for the next update. Contact Trend Micro for assistance.

I will not be producing another version of CPAU to get around the detection because I have no clue what they are keying in on. I could spend from now until eternity trying to work it out and still not get it and not solving it properly with Trend means that even if I did figure out what they keyed on, they make catch the next version with another update.

Thanks to everyone who let me know what happened and what actions they took. It was greatly appreciated.

As an aside, it was nice seeing how many people are using the tool and finding it so helpful to them. If you find it really useful, don’t be shy about stopping by the root of my blog ( and hitting that Pay Pal button. 🙂 May I recommend $.25, $.50, or $1.00 per client machine using it. 😉

Rating 3.00 out of 5

One Response to “CPAU – Trend Micro – TROJ_GENERIC.ZA – Resolved”

  1. Morgan says:

    God-damned trend… I kept thinking someone was being silly and removing cpau from my clients servers, I wasn’t far wrong. Can you link to the patch?

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