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New Web Site Appearance Coming…

by @ 10:59 am on 3/11/2007. Filed under general

Well I have about zero spare time with well over 1000 emails just in my personal inbox (this doesn’t count any of the lists I am on which is thousands of more emails) and about 100 DVDs to watch but I have been forcing myself to spend at least 30 minutes every night before bed just working on my new website layout. The changes have to be made for several reasons.

  1. It is a FrontPage site and FrontPage is a massive pain in the tush
  2. I keep running into people who can’t find things
  3. It looks old and dated
  4. It takes a long time to update the tool pages when I add new features
  5. I want to

I am also trying to put a Wiki into place so that folks can write up how they use the tools and post them if they like, gives them a nice place for their documentation if they like as I am hearing lots of folks are maintaining their own internal “how to” websites for using the tools.

I am going out to Seattle this week for the Microsoft MVP Summit, fly out tomorrow morning, and will be out there until Friday and then need to play personal catch up this coming weekend (toss out expired milk, do laundry, get Trouble to not hate me again for being gone, buy more milk, the usual…) and then I will try to get the site live the week after. I thought about pushing the basic site out this evening as I am done with static content now but I am afraid I might break something and wouldn’t be able to respond to complaints while in Seattle.

I used Microsoft Expression Web and I have to say, it is a definite improvement over FrontPage, I much prefer the HTML it generates over what FrontPage does. I am sure though I am still only scratching the surface of how to use it.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

4 Responses to “New Web Site Appearance Coming…”

  1. Daniel says:

    You should give BitWeaver a looksee, it is a CMS and has a wiki integrated in to it. Just a suggestion, seems better then Joomla and on par with Plone for most stuff.

  2. Mike Kline says:

    Think of the positives, when you retire you will probably have close to 1000 DVDs to watch so you will have years of enjoyment.

    The wiki sounds like a great idea, another really good way to learn from this site.

    Have fun in Seattle and tell Bill Gates congrats for being number 1 again on the Forbes list… he surely has enough money to buy your company/tools. Maybe retirement will come early for you 🙂

  3. Scotte says:

    Of course, you’ll take this opportunity to remove the highly offensive picture from the front page, right? 😉

  4. Kamlesh says:

    Something for the new captcha.. 🙂

    (its a webcomic, just in case u get scared by X in website name 😉

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