joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for May, 2007

New Windows LiveWriter Available

by @ Thursday, May 31st, 2007. Filed under tech

So anyone who used Windows LiveWriter, beta 2 is now available. Looks quite a bit different. More complex. Doesn’t open a new window for every new blog post which is nice. I keep seeing my CPU on my laptop spike up to 80-100% for bursts with WindowsLiveWriter.exe as the culprit when using it though. Not sure what […]

Vista RC2 to RTM not so smooth

by @ Wednesday, May 30th, 2007. Filed under tech

I tried to upgrade a Vista RC2 to RTM last night, it didn’t work so well. Normally I don’t upgrade, I don’t trust upgrades. It wasn’t my computer though and there was a bunch of installed software and I didn’t want to mess with it. RC2 had been running fine and it wouldn’t have needed […]

Cell Phones that actually work well as phones…

by @ Saturday, May 26th, 2007. Filed under general

I have an issue with Cell Phones… Or maybe how they are marketed. I realized I wasn’t carrying my Cingular 8125 around very much unless I was working and had to because, quite honestly, it is a big fat brick and sounds crappy without my Jawbone BT Headset[1] which means something else I have to carry. We […]

Such a well written newsgroup post must be cherished…

by @ Saturday, May 26th, 2007. Filed under tech

I was perusing some of the newsgroups today and ran across such a (IMO) well written response by Joe Kaplan (JoeK as I normally refer to him) to a question asked about LDAP authentication that I wanted to share it.   ——– Original Message ——–Subject: Re: Authenticate against AD + other DSDate: Fri, 25 May 2007 […]

Why no little bobby… Event IDs in the Event Log are NOT unique…

by @ Saturday, May 26th, 2007. Filed under tech

Why is it that people think they can say, “Yeah I am getting Event ID 1000, do you know why that is?” For the record, Event IDs are not UNIQUE. You need to know the Event Log, the Event Source, AND the Event ID. Maybe it is the only Event ID 1000 that person who […]


by @ Saturday, May 26th, 2007. Filed under tech

…can’t you turn on auditing of the manipulation of share permissions directly either through GUI or code? By this, I mean the permissions on the share, not permissions on the files and folders in the share. This may seem odd, but maybe, just maybe you want to know WHO is changing permissions on the share. […]

It’s very green today…

by @ Saturday, May 26th, 2007. Filed under general

Today is a very green day. Not like the band you numpty, but like the color. Though come to think of it, some Green Day music turned way down would be nice… Err, back to point… I am sitting upstairs in my palatial mansion (LOL – if 1800 sq ft is palatial) sitting at my […]

Argh, Perl let me down… Well at least one of the Win32 modules did…

by @ Sunday, May 20th, 2007. Filed under tech

I love perl, absolutely adore it. I love how I can take one small exe and one small DLL and take it anywhere and get just buttloads of functionality out of the core language. Well I needed a script to tear through and document ACLs on a file system. Now I didn’t expect the core […]

Good Movie: Man of the Year

by @ Sunday, May 20th, 2007. Filed under general

I watched Man of the Year this evening, good movie, I laughed, I thought it made a lot of good political and state of the country points. Had to chuckle when Jeff Goldblum found out Eleanor didn’t lose her access to the systems when she was fired and commented something like, “Wasn’t that a bad idea?”. I have […]


by @ Saturday, May 19th, 2007. Filed under tech

Since I upgraded to the latest version of WordPress I can’t get LiveWriter to upload images; says the site doesn’t allow it. How annoying. Anyone else seeing that? I will have to get out WireShark and do a network trace when I get a chance.    joe Rating 3.00 out of 5

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