joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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The iPhone

by @ 10:03 am on 7/7/2007. Filed under general

$600 for the phone and $90 for the replacement battery….

Come on… Are people really standing in line for that thing? Can’t wait to see their expression when they drop it in the toilet or on the road and it gets run over… The expressions will be priceless.

I am really enjoying my, what was it $50 SLVR, and I think it still does too much. If it rings and I can hear someone and I can dial out and they can hear me I am all good.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

4 Responses to “The iPhone”

  1. LOL tell me about it. I will say that I did finally get DirectPush working from my personal exchange to my smartphone a few weeks ago. I’m pretty hooked on it now…well worth the $150 I think I paid for it. The trick was finding the directions online to get rid of the TMobile image and flashing it with one that didn’t have all the BS in it.

  2. -wsn says:

    Ipod = ~200, ~smartphone = ~200-300… I don’t think it’s price in unreasonable.

    …but i’m not waiting in a line for anything. 🙂


  3. joe says:

    I just want my phone to have good sound when I speak to people. 🙂

  4. William Noble says:

    …and now only $399 and $349 refurb.

    I have had the chance to use one, and have not been disappointed.


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