joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Getting geeked…

by @ 7:43 am on 8/24/2007. Filed under general

I just picked up the check for the Mortgage company yesterday for the closing on Indian Trail next week… Everything is still flowing along like it is in a pre-determined groove and this annoys me only because I don’t like the idea of predestined movement. If things are predestined, at least give me a program so I know positively when to expect the bad stuff and the good stuff so I can appreciate both more. 🙂

Getting jittery and geeked up. You get that momentary feeling of “WHAT AM I DOING??? YOU SHOULD KEEP THE MONEY IN THE BANK!!!” but then after a couple of seconds that subsides and you know everything will be fine. 🙂

I went to Ikea for the first time two days ago and again yesterday. Interesting place, some of the stuff I really liked, some of it I really disliked. I wasn’t much of a fan of most of the living room and bedroom stuff. It wasn’t “substantial” enough if you know what I mean, more the type of stuff I would have in a college dorm room. The kitchen stuff on the other hand and the storage options were very cool.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

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