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Great Band…

by @ 1:28 pm on 12/22/2007. Filed under general

I was catching up on some Smallvilles during breakfast this morning and the episode I watched had some amazing music. Now Smallville *usually* has great music which is one of the reasons I like the show but this music was outstanding and oddly it was something I had never heard even a little bit before. So I waited patiently for the end of the show for them to tell me who it is and it was….

Juliette and the Licks.

I looked into it, it is Juliette Lewis the actress…. Yes that Juliette Lewis

The one who was in Starsky and Hutch, Old School, Natural Born Killers, Cape Fear, Christmas Vacation, and tons of other stuff. She is one of those actresses that you almost certainly have seen somewhere at some time…

Well she is an amazing singer/songwriter and her band rocks; lead guitar wails. To be honest, when I started listening to their first CD on Rhapsody it reminded me very much of the sound and flavor of a Guns and Roses concert I went to back in about 1987 or so in a relatively small club called the State Theatre (now called The Filmore Detroit) in downtown Detroit (the part of downtown that you used to be very scared to walk around in but is ok now that they built a couple of stadiums right there) before they hit really big. But then some of the other stuff reminds me of early Sinead.

I have been listening to Linkin Park music solid now for the last 3 months because that is the mood I have been in, this actually provoked me enough to order the CDs from Amazon _and_ I downloaded the first/second album through Rhapsody and burned them so I could listen in my truck while driving around.

Outstanding, highly recommend. I am quite upset with my British friends (especially my Aussie/British friend who never responds to her emails I send her but dings my blog occasionally with comments (which that is better than nothing)) for not telling me about her because she hit the UK Singles charts with several songs but never hit anything in the US.

The first two albums are tough to get so get them from Rhapsody for like $16 USD for both.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

One Response to “Great Band…”

  1. Mike Kline says:

    That is high praise, I’ll have to check the band out. The GnR concert sounds great. They put out some amazing music in that 87-92 range, just wish Axl would have continued on and kept the band rolling.

    For the DEC encore you and Dean could play Welcome to the Jungle on guitar hero.

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