joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for January 26th, 2008


by @ Saturday, January 26th, 2008. Filed under quotes

I think tequila is the cure for hot spicy mouth the way its a cure for ugly, it just numbs it a little bit…    – Kari Byron (love her!) of Mythbusters for Chili Pepper Spicy Mouth Cure episode Rating 3.00 out of 5


by @ Saturday, January 26th, 2008. Filed under tech

I didn’t dig into this but wanted to give a heads up that when I used Windows Update this evening to apply the latest patches to my main XP machine after the reboot it would no longer talk to the domain properly and hence unable to log into the machine with a domain ID. This […]


by @ Saturday, January 26th, 2008. Filed under tech

Why is the Silverlight V1.0 install package coming down through Microsoft Update? Do any other companies get to send down IE plugins through Microsoft Update?   Just asking…      joe Rating 3.00 out of 5

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