joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

I can’t say I ever thought this would happen…

by @ 9:32 am on 5/7/2008. Filed under general

They put Brett out in front of the world…. Oh my[1]…







Brett starts at 3:37…. He is awfully video-genic don’t you think? I just want to know why he wasn’t wearing a joeware t-shirt…


Overall, that was a great video and great idea. It shows that the MSFT Dev folks are real people which is something I learned a long time ago and a message I have been trying to spread for just as long. I would love to see this kind of thing out of more teams. There are a lot of brilliant awesome people with great personalities with hilarious stories inside of Microsoft that could be shared.




[1] Don’t get me wrong, I am proud to call Brett a friend. He put the fear of giant bumblebees into me… If you know Brett, ask him about the attack of the giant bumblebee that occurred at the Museum of Flight in Seattle a couple of years back where he nearly killed an MVP – specifically me. If he had killed me via heartattack… everyone would have just said… Ah that’s just Brett…

Rating 4.33 out of 5

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